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Birthday-App-Android-This project is to send a gift to the birthday person an android app. You can send birthday SMS or wishes to your friends.

You can learn more about our affiliate policy Can I sync my birthday reminder app to my phone’s calendar? The app synchronizes all birthdays with your contacts list and offers secure backups of all dates to the external storage. ).In such a way, you can enter a number of events you are waiting for.
You can customize number of reminder days before birthday or anniversary. With this application, you will never forget any of your relatives and friend’s birthday or anniversary. This app will tell you how many days are left for that special day in your friend’s life. You can rely on your family to do that.Of course! You can use the solution code or the code you created.
With the help of this application, you can even send birthday wishes text to your friend and can even post on his/ her facebook wall with this application. ).What is more, you can choose the way you want to be reminded of the event – it can be a day before the birthday or the exact date, in the morning or in the evening, one time or several times.All in all, this is a very practical app and, that said, a very intuitive one! You can enable and disable zodiac and can personalize reminder settings and many more.It will remind you for upcoming birthdays and events of all your facebook friends, and phone contacts. You can also check which famous personalities have the same birthdays as you or with your friends.The app has a pretty nice interface, and it looks modern on the whole – unlike other birthday reminder apps. That’s why there are so many apps that are supposed to help you plan, build up habits, achieve goals, and so on.

It is easy to use application and has attractive interface. The app also has notes where you can write gift ideas or some other details. And also you can enter birthday manually.

Just like in Google Calendar, where you can add events, give them names, and set reminders.So, basically, to learn that somebody’s birthday is coming, you just need to enter it into the app (or import it from some existing calendar with all the dates already entered), and adjust the settings so that the app could remind you of the events in the most convenient way.Any.do is available on all the platforms, so don’t worry if you have to switch between iPhone and iPad all the time, for example. It can be a birthday, an anniversary, a first kiss, a first whatever – people tend to love such things!On the whole, there is a number of options on how to count. Birthdays are meant to be fun and a time to reconnect with everyone. It’s already a great birthday reminder app without ads or malware risks. This app is free for all android users and will remind you of your friend’s birthday and your relative’s birthday. The apps we listed allows you to set an alarm on the day of birth of your loved one.This feature varies from app to app. Birthdays for Android reminds you of birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions that you input into the app. 3. Download it free from the link below.To use Contacts’ Birthdays, you need Google Contacts.

Trademark, logo, and registration are owned by respective companies.Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. The list below contains 11 of them. It is just impossible to miss people’s birthdays with it. So if you need to check whether someone’s special date is coming, you can just look at the screen and that’s it!The app also has notes where you can write gift ideas or some other details.

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