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Chloe's abortion scenes have spurred 13 Reasons Why fans to reach out to her, which Anne thinks is pretty rewarding. In spite of this Zach is not completely heartless and Alex even once says to him that he is simply an entitled idiot who does cruel stupid things while on the inside has a decent heart. Coach Kerba heard Zach isn't going to college so he offers him a job as a football coach for next year. After Justin returns from juvenile detention, Zach's very excited to see him again and they hang out at the dance.
Release year: 2017. The college students call security on them and they're sent to Sanderson University police. Zach and Karen aren't very close.
Later Alex confronts him and asks him to remember the night on the rooftop. However, Zach still calls Justin his best friend and attacks Bryce when he sees him fighting with Justin. Zach is protective of her, as he became violent towards Tyler when he found out someone took pictures of May. Meanwhile, a brutal assault pushes one student over the edge.Months after the Spring Fling, Liberty High is hit with a new shock when Bryce Walker is murdered the night of homecoming ... and everyone is a suspect.The cops question Clay about Bryce's disappearance. Jess wonders if she's ready to date again. However he is also one of the few people who is civil to Clay as after the latter took revenge against him after hearing his tape, he only forgave him and admitted the truth. Mr. Porter wrestles with regret.Tony opens up about his past. Clay reconnects with Skye.Tyler goes out with Cyrus's sister. Winston gives him weed gummies hoping he'll give information on who killed Bryce.
The next summer, Zach goes to the movie theater a lot just to see Hannah, and also apologizes to her. Chloe confronts Bryce about the tapes. Zachary "Zach" Shan-Yung Dempsey is a main character in Netflix's 13 Reasons Why. We learn that he is the one who had been giving Clay the Polaroids. Justin struggles to stay clean. Tyler faces disciplinary action.
They become very close in the second season. He is also often found in his basketball uniform. Zach, on his side, helps with threatening Clay to keep quiet. In the third season, Zach helps cover for Clay after he gets Tyler away from Spring Fling, though he refuses to participate in Tyler's recovery despite Clay asking him to. Zach tries to calm him down, and Alex gets a boner.
Zach confesses that he beat up Bryce the night he died and even though he didn't kill him he still feels like shit because Bryce wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for him. Ryan and Mrs. Baker look to Hannah's poems for clues.Clay tries to figure out where the Polaroids were taken. Ani catches Justin in a lie after learning Bryce bailed him out of a dangerous situation.Hannah's mother returns to town. Karen doesn't show or say how she feels after her husband's death, to Zach's frustration. May 16, 2018 by Caitlyn Fitzpatrick. After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice.As the school mourns the death of Hannah Baker, her friend Clay receives a box of tapes with messages she recorded before she committed suicide.Hannah makes friends with Jessica and Alex, two other new students.
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Zach gives Alex rides to and from school, helps him with PT and with a lot of other small things. As Alex struggles with feelings of regret, the guys pressure Clay into getting drunk.Hannah thinks someone is stalking her and sets a trap. After graduation, Zach along with Clay, Tony, Ani, Jessica, Alex, Charlie, Tyler, Courtney and Ryan all bury Hannah's tapes and realize everything that they went through caused them to become such good friends.Zach is Hannah's seventh reason for why she committed suicide. Hannah's mother confronts the principal, and Clay strikes back at someone who wronged Hannah.Hannah and Clay connect at the school dance, but a crass rumor ruins the mood. During the homecoming game incident, Bryce purposefully tackled Zach's leg, breaking his knee to the point that he could never play football again and effectively ruining Zach's life and ending his career. They broke up after Zach didn't want anyone to know about their relationship, making Hannah think that he was ashamed of her. Zach sees his file and finds a letter and takes it out.
After learning that Alex killed Bryce, Zach helped to protect him and suggested that they should be the kind of friends who tell each other everything. Alex remembers how Bryce supported Alex after Jessica dumped him.The police bring in Tony for questioning. He says pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body and it should push everyone to do better. Learning Porter counseled Bryce, Clay and Ani question his motives.The cops name Clay as a person of interest in the murder. He is physically aggressive to as he threatened Tyler he would break his arm if he didn't leave him and the others on the tapes alone at lunch and is shown to have a temper as seen after Hannah rejected him and his help. Zach eventually helped cover up the true circumstances of Bryce's death, showing he didn't have respect for him anymore. Zach lost his dad in the summer of 2017; he implied to having felt depressed and/or suicidal after his father's death.Zach is Justin’s good friend.
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