357 magnum smith & wesson modelmunchkin katze züchter bayern

By continuing to browse our website you agree to our use of cookies. Great addition to any collection. I will add, though, that my Dan Wesson 44 has them all beat when it comes to DA.Some folks will tell you stainless steel won’t rust; they’d be wrong. With an original life span of 1970-2004, the Smith & Wesson Model 66 357 Magnum Stainless Combat Revolver was essentially a Model 19 in stainless steel. With case! It is a stainless gun with a 6-inch barrel, holding up to 6 rounds of .357 Magnum. No one else was in sight; it was just the two of them.Rather than challenging the guy directly, Dad simply leaned over to reach under the seat, where his hand found Snuffy’s grip. Marka ta jest popularna i rozpoznawana na całym świecie. Unfired. Being a 357 magnum, it will also safely fire 38 special ammunition, including extra-hot 38 ammo designated “plus-p” (+P) and “plus-p-plus” (+P+).It should go without saying that you should never attempt to fire 357 ammo in a 38 Special firearm… but I’m saying it anyhow.Markings on the left side include “SMITH & WESSON” on the side of the barrel and the S&W trademark logo on the frame below the cylinder latch.The front sight is quite good, a wide sturdy ramp sight built integral to the barrel and including an orange plastic insert for visibility.

The.357 Magnum cartridge is notable … Fortunately for me, the previous owner had purchased Lasergrips as well as a small Hogue monogrip and included them in the deal.It’s always nice to have original “stuff” such as this factory box in which the 66-1 was originally purchased. Excellent condition, comes with presentation case, tools and papers. It is equipped with a 4" barrel, fluted cylinder, black Houge grips with sp Good no frills service revolver, ready to carry .357 Magnum This six-shot revolver is a Smith & Wesson 66-1, chambered in .357 Magnum. It has a 2 ¼ inch underlug barrel and exposed hammer. Smith & Wesson (S&W) – największe w Stanach Zjednoczonych i jedno z największych na świecie przedsiębiorstw produkujących broń palną, a także wyposażenie dla służb mundurowych (m.in. Once Dad discovered the damage, it had gotten pretty bad.The advantage of stainless steel is that while this gun is marred by the rust pits, they don’t detract from the gun’s attractiveness nearly as much as the same rust damage would do to a blued steel firearm — and it if had been blued instead of stainless, the damage would have been even worse.Another plus is that rub wear (such as wear from being carried in a holster) usually won’t damage the finish, and dings or other minor flaws can often be polished out. This cartridge started the "Magnum era" of handgun ammunition. This is a used, bet well-maintained Smith & Wesson Model 686-6 (SKU #164224). He then refinished the grips.I can’t write about this old 66-1 without including an incident in which Snuffy prevented a violent crime.Dad had retired and become old and gray, probably appearing to be a prime victim. It’ll serve as happily shooting targets as it will for self-defense, and the stainless steel finish means it won’t readily show wear. COMES WITH ORIGINAL BOX. We only ship to t This one is a cherry.

The 66 was made in both square butt and round butt, and both are seen in these photos; naturally, the round butt version is more concealable when carried.Aside from the 2.5- and 4-inch barrels, the factory also offered 3- and 6-inch barrel lengths over the years.Interestingly, these two revolvers are alike in many ways, but the stumpy 66-2 has a smooth trigger, while the 66-1 has vertical grooves on the face of its trigger. The .357 Magnum cartridge is notable for its highly effective terminal ballistics when used for hunting or defense. You can see the front of the cylinder COMES WITH OWNERS MANUAL, HANG TAG, COLT LETTER, TEN YEAR WARRANTY CARD, ETC. BUYER PA This is a spectacular all-original and minty "Old Model" Ruger Blackhawk in .357 Magnum with a 3-screw frame and a 6.5" inch barrel. To simulate the carry .357 Magnum ammo, use .38 Special +P or low velocity .357 Magnum ammo. The Smith & Wesson Model 66 Combat Magnum is a six-shot double action stainless steel revolver chambered for 357 S&W Magnum, and has been available in numerous variations over the years, with about a ten-year gap in production from 2004-2014.

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