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In the 2019 season, the biggest roster change from the previous year was trading longtime player Jensen to Team Liquid and acquiring European import player Yasin "Nisqy" Dinçer.The team placed 2nd in the regular season Spring Split (14-4 record) and received a bye to the semifinals of the playoffs, where they fell to After the 2019 season, Cloud9 made roster decisions that did not include After Sneaky's retirement and the departure of Svenskeren and Zeyzal, there was a fair amount of skepticism in Cloud9's new lineup; many preseason power rankings gave the team a middling chance at best and ranked them as the third or fourth best team on paper.Cloud9 made it to the League of Legends Championship Series 2020 Spring Split Finals against On April 24, 2015, Cloud9 released ShahZam and Kory "Semphis" Friesen.Cloud9 announced on December 6, 2019 that Timothy "autimatic" Ta, Damian "daps" Steele, and Kenneth "koosta" Suen had been released from the organization and their contracts bought out by On September 1, 2016, Cloud9 acquired Nemesis Hydra from Team Nemesis, getting their feet into the mobile esports scene.

Competing under the name "Team NomNom" and then Cloud9, Nientonsoh, Hai, Yazuki, Wild Turtle, and LemonNation secured a spot in the Season 3 North American Offline Qualifier for the League of Legends Championship Series. In the Summer Promotion Qualifier, Cloud9 went 5-0 to earn a spot in the LCS Summer Split, beating Team Astral Poke 2–0, and former LCS team compLexity 3–0.C9 went into the Season 3 World Championship quarterfinals with a first round bye as the North American champions.

Cloud9 finished 3rd in the regular season with a record of 12-6 but faced a disappointing loss to Team SoloMid in the quarterfinals. With a tied game halfway through game 5 and really good defensive plays by both teams, it seemed no one could score and game 5 could go to overtime.

In week 5, Meteos, the substitute jungler for Contractz, was traded to Before the start of the 2017 Summer Split, Cloud9 signed "Westrice" Nguyen (top) and Olivier "Winter" Lapointe (support).As Cloud9 was placed 3rd in terms of Championship Points (90 points), they were placed in the final round of the gauntlet.Due to the new rules set for this edition of Worlds, the 3rd seed of North America has to play in the new Play-In Stage along with the other 3rd seed teams of Europe, China, Taiwan, HK & Macau, and winners of minor regions across the world in order to qualify for the main event.Cloud9 began their run in the Group Stage in Group A, which included reigning 3-time World Champions In November 2017, Cloud9 announced that Licorice, Selfie, and Wiggily were joining the team and that Contractz and Impact were leaving for the Along with the recent acquisition of Licorice as their new top-laner, Cloud9 also signed a replacement jungler, Before the Summer Split began, Cloud9's owner Jack Etienne and coach Reapered made a shocking announcement announcing that they would be benching Jensen (Mid Laner), Sneaky (ADC), and Smoothie (Support), claiming motivational issues. August 1, Kaymind and Nerf join. Soon C9 took down second place CLG and then proceeded to defeat through At IEM Katowice World Championships, C9 was beat by the Cloud9 finished 2nd in the Spring LCS Regular Season with a 13–6 record.Cloud9 beat Team 8 in a tiebreaker match in order to qualify for the gauntlet bracket for the third North American seed in the BunnyFuFuu and Hai alternated as support for the first 2 weeks of the split but then Hai took over as full-time support due to poor results. April 9, Chappie and Frexs leave the team to join Cloud9's H1Z1 team. In the last 1:22 Cloud9 went on a 2–1 run to win game 5 5–3, and win the second series 4–1. Cloud 9 Sports is a company that strives to provide your school and sports team with the highest quality uniforms and spirit wear, offering you all the brands you know and trust.Collecting forms and adding shirt sizes... not what a coach needs to do.

During the off-season, the Quantic Gaming organization fell into financial distress and shut down operations, leaving the League of Legends team without a sponsor once again. With championships industry-wide, unmatched viewership hours, and extensive benefits packages for players and staff, Cloud9 prides itself on being the best in all categories. Cloud 9 Sports is a company that strives to provide your school and sports team with the highest quality uniforms and spirit wear, offering you all the brands you know and trust.

June 14, Reum and Stab join.

Versatility. July 23, Frolicer and Reum move to the bench. While never winning a championship, they completed a 14-game win streak in Split One of the 2016 Summer Season tournament "Evil 8."

On the 10th of June 2020, Cloud9 announced their departure from Cloud9 announced that it was re-entering the Rainbow Six Siege competitive circuit on April 6 2019 with a new team of five players, one coach, and one assistant coach.Cloud9 first entered Fortnite competitively in 2018, and formally re-entered the circuit in the summer of 2019.

After failing to achieve the result they wanted, the team made a few roster changes in between splits where the main roster became Cloud9 started the split slow, with Bunny FuFuu and Smoothie alternating in the support role. Cloud9 went on to play against On November 12, Cloud9 was awarded the "Esports Organisation of the Year" prize at the Esports Awards. Cloud9 (C9) is an American esports organization. Cloud9 joined the Super Smash Bros. scene in May 2014 after picking up Mang0. Both organizations will dedicate resources to develop new tools and technologies that will enable Cloud9 players and staff to uncover game-changing insights across a variety of titles in which Cloud9 competes.

On September 20, 2016, Cloud9's coach Reapered's Twitter account was compromised by hackers who published Cloud9's competitive scrimmages, account logins, chat logs, and contact information for several NA LCS team members.On December 9, 2016 Cloud9 announced they had moved Juan Arturo "Contractz" Garcia into the starting jungler position and signed Jeon "Ray" Ji-won as a substitute top laner.Cloud9 began the 2017 Spring Split undefeated through the first 4 weeks. With 1:29 left Torment scores a huge goal that seems to seal the deal, but 7 seconds later ViolentPanda tie the game 2–2.

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