Telos Star Warsmunchkin katze züchter bayern
"She's hoping to be able to send two Star Destroyers from Telos." Intended to be a repository of the lore and wisdom that defined their philosophy, the holocron was passed down through generations of Sith Lords after its creation, many of whom imbued their knowledge within the device. Moreover, there was a number of special interest companies, such as Offworld Corporation, whose business arrangements with worlds throughout the galaxy brought great wealth to Telos. During the years after the Jedi Civil War, the station was flooded with refugees, dispossessed people who had lost everything not only to Revan and Malak's Sith Empire, but the invading Mandalorians before them. After discovering methods of Pall closed his entry with an anecdote on an attempt by some of his fellow Sith Lords to exact revenge on the Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Ithorians, a passive, agrarian-minded people, felt themselves to be utterly unprepared to oppose a corporation with such extensive resources. In addition, the planet played host to the Agricultural Corps, where Jedi who had failed their training were sent to work as farmers and lab… Before having left Citadel Station, Surik informed The restoration and stability of Telos were once again threatened by the Sith when Citadel Station fell under attack by the forces commanded by After the apparent success of the Telos Restoration Project, former residents and new immigrants inhabited the planet, entering a period of peace. At its height, this titanic complex covered nearly one quarter of the skies above Telos. The Exchange also had a base here, fronted by the At the request of the Telosian government, the management of the Restoration Zones had been given to the Ithorians. A number of the Lords became gateke… During this period, not even the Ithorians were given permission by the Telosian authorities to land their ships outside of specially designated sites. The simulacrum closed the greeting by claiming that the first priority for any student looking to comprehend the ways of the Sith was understanding the history of their order. The Telos Holocron was a holocron of atypical design crafted by adherents to the Sith Order at some point prior to the Golden Age of the Sith. The Telosian Security Force provided security for the station; however, by the time of the First Jedi Purge, they were not strong enough to keep order throughout the complex. Moff Wilhuff Tarkin requested that Utu dispatch whatever vessels she could spare from Telos to Salient, and was later informed by a co… The Sith holocron contained testimonials from numerous Sith Lords from varying points in galactic history, including The Telos Holocron was of a highly atypical design, defying the conventions of both Like all holocrons, the Telos Holocron was a storage device imbued with the power of The gatekeeper greeted users with a statement encouraging them to explore the powers at their disposal, regardless of any warnings issued by past teachers, and praised them for being strong enough to access the information within the holocron. This had been especially true of the Jedi Agricultural Corps, who sent those Jedi who had failed their training to Telos to become farmers and laborers.The restoration of Telos brought about yet another shift in the composition of the citizens, gaining a reputation in the progression of technological advances developed by a profusion of scientists and innovators. Near the entrance to an abandoned Republic military base, the Ithorians had built an encampment of warehouses, processing plants, and a shuttle landing pad. Over time, the fame of the picturesque landscape spread throughout the galaxy and Telos became a popular tourist destination,The prosperity of Telos lasted for millennia, until grave problems beset the planet in the last century of the During their investigation of Xanatos's activities, the two Jedi met However, the damage had already been done, and the conservation efforts following the defeat of OffWorld did not last long. At a young age, he had been taken to train at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he quickly became skilled in the Force and later was chosen by Qui-Gon Jinn to be his Padawan.
The sudden appearance of In due course, Surik and her group traveled to Restoration Zone Although the culpability of Surik in the destruction of the Peragus Mining Facility was negligible, she felt a measure of responsibility. The natural beauty of these parklands gained galaxy-wide fame and a great number of tourists traveled to Telos,Telos was the home planet of Carth Onasi, the Republic Navy hero. Proud of the pristine natural beauty to be found on their world, the populace set aside large tracts of land to be established as national parks and Sacred Places.
In the year Valance, who had a deep-seated hatred of and revulsion towards "The populace of Telos before the Jedi Civil War was primarily composed of Humans and a small percentage of diverse species from across the galaxy, with the predominant occupation of the citizens being the production of foodstuffs. The destruction of the planet's surface during the Jedi Civil War devastated the irrigation system, although the central hub was largely untouched; nonetheless, the system was abandoned. ―An Imperial commander, to Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. On duty at the time of the Sith bombardment, Onasi arrived too late to save his wife, In the final decades of the Republic, another native Telosian, Xanatos, gained galaxy-wide notoriety.
The Jedi Order, fearing an attack on the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine and the loss of much of their knowledge, chose the polar irrigation facility as a site for a secret The Telosian citizens were fiercely proud of the Sacred Places found throughout their planet. As a final test for his Knighthood, Xanatos journeyed with Jinn to his homeworld on a mission and became embroiled in a Civil War started by his corrupt father, Crion.Telos's Citadel Station was the space station that served as the staging area for the Galactic Republic's Ithorian-led effort to restore that world after the Jedi Civil War.
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