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A movie with a heart touching story of a shy guy. Let me just point out a few things. Read the full list in the gallery below, and get watching.Firing right out of the gates on all cylinders, the first season of An animated comedy satirising Hollywood with a Will Arnett-voiced washed-up horse actor as its protagonist sounds like it should be a light, silly laugh-fest – which makes Hundreds of years in the future, humans have colonized the solar system. And the fact that the Twilight Saga ranks higher than these masterpieces is proof that most of the voters here are adolescent teens who've never seen a movie of the previous century. Just excellent, can't believe it's so low.

Superb franchise.Why is this number 43 on the list? The Godfather Trilogy is nowhere near as good a trilogy as the Lord of the Rings. Three different but related families face trials and tribulations in their own uniquely comedic ways. A woman who moves into an apartment across the hall from two brilliant but socially awkward physicists shows them how little they know about life outside of the laboratory. I loved the movies and books... the music and acting was really good and why would you put some chick flick before this people really It shows the big difference between American and British Cinema. The story of The Lord of the rings is well told and no matter how many times I see it I all ways get goosebumps. A teenage sorceress named Nimue encounters a young Arthur on her quest to find a powerful and ancient sword. I 10/10 recommend that anyone at any age takes the time to watch these movies.The Harry Potter movie series is a masterpiece. A mockumentary on a group of typical office workers, where the workday consists of ego clashes, inappropriate behavior, and tedium. I know people talk trash about the prequels for their poor CGI, Jar Jar's annoyance, and Hayden Christensen's acting, but you have to see past that and enjoy the movies for what they're actually presenting. It beats out Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, James Bond, The Dark Knight Trilogy, and The Lord of the Rings, which are all spectacular films in their own right.Some might argue that this is too high on the list but this had the 4th amount of votes. The movies are cool and beautifully made. For decades, tensions have been rising between these three places. Harry potter is an okay series but its not a series I would love or like there's no parts in the Harry potter movies that are cool and heroic as The Lord of the rings for me Harry potter is crap if you tell any one that you like or talk about it they just not care or just not want to be around you as for The Lord of the rings if you tell some one about like in the two towers when the wall blow up people are going to want to see more and buy the movies. Also there should have been a separate catagory for the Two Towers because I might have voted for that. Peter Jackson had done such a wonderful job directing this and Lord Of the Rings!
It's outstanding with excellent direcing, excellent acting and excellent music. The transformer movies aren't terrible, but they really do lack in any sort of character development.

Over 7 movies, you would have thought that Ron would stop being such a comic relief and actually have a character arc like in the books, but no. Many o it's movies are very deep and comples, also, some other are very ridiculous and funny!With the Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises out, the Batman series is so different and dark from other superhero movies and actually has a great story with twists!

Fun to watch, funny moments, and the animation still hold up to this very day!Insanely good, top three cartoon movies ever, and definitely the greatest animated series. Was a very high grossing movies but couldn't put a blemish on movies like Harry Potter or Star Wars.Unbelievable!
the forth gave us some new characters to hate and the fifth can go and burn and dieI have seen all the series on this page and I believe Transformers deserves to be at least top 10. Each movie was good on its own.All the movies were A+ classics, this is one of those rare gems that the sequel's are better than the original. Lists of current TV series and award winners to help you figure out what to watch now.

The original triology, while having very aged effects had epic battles combined with some pretty deep themes. Once this triology finishes, it'll be legendary as well.I don't know what it's doing all the way down here, this along w/ the Lords of the Rings is one of the best series I ve watched. Caitlin Kittredge's 'Black London' series is definitely list-worthy, and I agree with Lily; 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' should definitely have a spot here (although the ending was disappointing). The young adult genre continues to lead literature in embracing new voices, championing all types of diversity, and, well, just really app...Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, #1)The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #1)The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1)The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1)Interview with the Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles, #1)I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls, #1)The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1)The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Sisterhood, #1)Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1) David Yates direction for the films took it below its potential and for that I cannot say it is the best movie series but it is better than Star Wars which bores me to tears.

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