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), is a supporting character in the manga and anime franchise Detective Conan. He also does this, because, by how Gin words it, Bourbon has a cocky attitude and looks down upon other members, as Gin says, "I'm sure he's already found out [about where or who Akai is] and is laughing about it..."I also find it funny how Okiya and Akai are a lot alike: they have similar appearances, they both compare the Organization to wolves, and they are both really intelligent.Also, Okiya says his favorite color is black. The excuse "a Holmes fan can't be all that bad" is a terrible excuse for a guy like Conan, who never just assumes things unless he has evidence to back things up, let alone stereotype people as being good only because they're a Holmes Fan. Conan is instead forced to give out hints to lead Kogoro and the police to the right answer. Rei Furuya's Friend. Ran didn't understand how a detective of such level of intelligence could willingly become her father's apprentice. Amuro awkwardly evades the question by saying that he was there to buy a good-luck charm and not to see the flowers. Red Bourbon. Four years later, the two cross each other's paths once again when Conan fell victim in a kidnapping which occurred during the During the Unfriend Girls Band Case, Masumi recalls a time that she saw her brother on a train station four years ago with Scotch, who taught her the basics of playing a Bass Guitar. Until now, Rei blames Rye for the death of Scotch and continues to hunt him down with Rei Furuya appears to be a fairly tall man with a dark skin tone lighter than Rei Furuya is a cheerful and generous man, seemingly indulgent to the point of even bringing a plate of sandwiches to Even though part of a Government Agency that upholds justice and security, Rei also ironically possesses a darker side. Rei is an excellent tennis player. Gin said (about Bourbon when Kir asked him), "Who knows, like Vermouth, [bourbon's] a mysterious one.. Obtain some information related to Conan or Haibara It would be even less of a surprise if he put two and two together and exposed Sherry as Ai as well, even easier since he's right next door and can monitor much more easily. Kogoro gets a text from the client requesting that Kogoro switch the meeting location to the Before Amuro can open the bathroom door, a gunshot rings out, and Conan rushes in to find a dead man who apparently committed suicide with a gun and a taped-up crying woman. Though I didn't want to get off into the subject of Shuu's 'death' and whatnot (as in the reasoning for his silence and disclosure to the others of FBI), which probably wasn't related to Bourbon as much as the history between the two characters~I agree with Gentleman Theif, it is difficult to comprehend your posts, which makes it even more difficult to believe the theories you've exhibited. Rei Furuya's Acquaintance. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He only comments that Conan is a "terrifying man". The receipt initially blew away, but after realizing it was from Conan, Amuro tracks it down using a specialized app on his phone that can simulate wind conditions between the buildings in Beika city. Amuro claimed that Conan has misunderstood about his intentions. It is possible that Bourbon, as well as Kir, is a member who doesn´t like the Organization. He offered to tutor When Conan received a concussion from an errant tennis racket, Rei "carried out the procedures pretty efficiently" before the doctor even arrived.

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