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landscape is unique to this small island.It is unknown how many chocolate hills there are. Somehow I believed that the formation was due to coral reef uplift, because if you will dig some small mountain areas in Bohol, underneath the soil are a lot of corals where you will ask yourself how could the corals get there.There are a lot of theories on how these hills came to be.

The challenge is how the national and local officials can harmonize the current needs of small-scale miners, the construction sector and the tourism sector with the preservation of the Chocolate Hills.Even with their protected status, mining permits continue to be granted by DENR and local government units or LGUs.Meanwhile, the provincial government has itself suggested that the legislation defining the Natural Monument should be changed, which will require that the proclamation be redrafted and ratified by both the Philippine House and Senate. Aloya's death caused Arogo much pain and misery, and in his sorrow he could not stop crying. Bohol is so safe and the people are accommodating. So we had all the Vista to our selves. Pretty, but not that special. Its heven of the earthyah its nice to go there in bohol .chocholate hills is a nice place & a spot to visit isonly in boholIndeed, there is nothing as impressive and as magnificent sight to behold than the Chocolate Hills in Bohol. Other explanations include volcanic action under the land or that the limestone mountains are the result of a massive volcano centuries ago. Best view is almost definitely from Sagbayan Peak – but it has been a little bit over commercialized these days. This is a cumbersome and costly process, on which no progress has been made to date.There are also mounting complaints of mismanagement and poor service at the government-owned and operated Chocolate Hills complex and restaurant.Future development and investment challenges within the Chocolate Hills area include: obtaining the national government's sanction for the project; persuading landowners to sell; convincing the Protected Areas Management Board or PAMB, which has jurisdiction over the hills, not to use its veto power over any investment requiring physical facilities.Since the natural monument proclamation bans "activity of any kind which will alter, mutilate, deface or destroy the hills." Tourism Philippines thrives on the knowledge of the community. Even so, most hills are between 30 and 50 meters. The conical

One of a kind , I’ll definitely go back.Chocolate Hills, named for their resemblance to Hershey's chocolate kisses. Chocolate Hills, Philippines. to brown.
There is also an underwater version that we have heard near Siargao.Why bother explaining…its all about the scenic VIEW…on top of one of this chocolate hershey kisses like hill is all i need..cause maybe some people would like to know? Natural limestone conical formations. They are covered in green grass that turns brown during the dry season, hence the name. Before they were designated national geological monuments, some of the hills (about 310,455 ha (1,200 sq miles)) were classified as Being alienable and disposable lands, the Chocolate Hills are seen as quarrying assets and source of income for small-scale miners, as well as quarry materials for the province's construction projects. Although if I am not mistaken, they are not unique, we have heard of similar looking formations around the country though in far smaller numbers.
All of Bohol is really nice, and less hectic than some other spots, so enjoy Bohol! Chocolate hills are scattered within a fifty square kilometer area.Mystery still surrounds how the Chocolate Hills were formed. Help share knowledge for the benefit of all!

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