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It was adapted into an anime television series by … !, and Yūki Kaji is the Japanese voice. Kenma rarely shows emotions; as such, he usually ends up giving a cold impression to others, but it is shown that he does care about his friends and notices small upsets in their behavior. Er trat einer Volleyballmannschaft bei und fand neue Freunde in der Schule. After that, he keeps analyzing the rest of the Karasuno players, and notices that Kenma’s phone vibrates, alerting him a message; Hinata is asking him to do his best at Tokyo prelims. Eines Tages fragte Kenma ihn, was er gerne spielen würde. Er war schüchterner und zurückgezogener als Kenma, so dass es den beiden Introvertierten schwer fiel, sich kennenzulernen. Kenma's plan to limit Bokuto is successful and Bokuto begins to hit nothing but straight shots due to his body having gotten use to it and the Fukurōdani ace falls into one of his depressed moods. He had dyed his hair in his first year of high school, claiming that he did not want to "stand out". Als er Kenmas Interesse an Volleyballtaktiken sah, drängte er seinen Freund dazu Zuspieler zu werden und nannte dies eine perfekte Position für einen Strategen, der sich nicht viel bewegen muss. His manner of speaking tends to be shy and reserved. It tells the story of a high school basketball team trying to make it to the national tournament. He has many outstanding features, including his cat-like golden eyes and blond hair with black roots (sometimes referred to as "Pudding-Head"). Play a match against Karasuno in a match where it's instant game over if you lose.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In Spielen erweist sich seine Aufmerksamkeit als Mittelblocker als äußerst tödlich für Nekomas Gegner. Kenma explains that he doesn’t hate the sport but dislikes getting tired. Hinata comments that Kenma should have lived in Roppongi Hills.
Kageyama and Hinata perform their signature quick strike right off the bat, which leaves everyone traumatized, including Kenma. In this same attack, Hinata attempts to block a fast attack by Nekoma, but surprisingly, Kenma dumps the ball and scores a point for Nekoma. Jahr, Klasse 5)So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Dort begegneten sie einem jungen Nekomata, der den beiden sagte, es sei wichtig, die Freude am Spielen zu erleben. Kenma takes part in the game against Fukurōdani Academy for a chance to represent Tokyo for the Spring Tournament. Much to Hinata's surprise, Kenma replies it's not since he receives similar comments as someone unathletic playing the position reserved for the most talented player on the team. In a flashback, Hinata is shown visiting Kenma's house, which had a gaming room packed with various gaming consoles and even arcade machines. The latter explains that it was because Hinata didn’t ask, and he knew he’d see Hinata again after he had noticed 'Karasuno High School' written on Hinata's shirt. Synchronbesetzung von Haikyu mit Sprachproben - deutsche Synchronstimmen, … Hinata proceeds to ask Kenma whether he likes volleyball or not, and he replies with neither. When Kageyama asks Hinata about Kenma, Hinata replies that he is Nekoma’s setter, which piques Kageyama's interestBefore the match begins, Kenma tells Kuroo that his pre-match speeches are embarrassing, but then trails off as the rest of his teammates take Kuroo’s side. Eventually, Kuroo convinced him to come with him to a practice session, and even convinced him to be a setter by telling him it was a position where you didn't have to move much (which was a lie) and later on Kenma joined the junior high volleyball club where he received the number 4 on the team. Half way into the first set, Kenma notices how Bokuto is excelling in the game with his straight shots. Kuroo und Kenma gingen ins Trainingslager. When Kenma was younger, he was shy and unable to make friends on his ownAlthough Kenma did not like sports back then, he found that volleyball was somewhat fun and especially enjoyed watching it. Die Besetzungsangaben basieren auf unterschiedlichen Quellen und bieten … As of 2018, he is a university student and seems to have become somewhat wealthy through a varied career as a stock trader, professional gamer, Youtuber, and the CEO of his own company, Bouncing Ball Corp. Although he seems somewhat apathetic about it Kenma is the type of person to only do things he enjoys, and would therefore quit volleyball if he didn't enjoy it someway, which according to him was the aspect of improving his skills (kind of like a video game). Kuroko's Basketball, is a Japanese sports manga series written and illustrated by Tadatoshi Fujimaki. More recently, he has become more active and would seek out offensive opportunities instead of solely relying on his teammates' perfect receives.Like the rest of his team, he is flexible and good at receiving the ball. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Darüber hinaus ist Kuroo ein erstaunlicher Allrounder, der für Nekoma sowohl in der Offensive als auch in der Defensive unverzichtbar ist. Eventually, Nekoma is able to win the match and make their way to Nationals. He dresses casually, and his Nekoma uniform is the standard black and red jersey. By April 2014, Kuroko's Basketball had 27 million copies in circulation.
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