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Honey production was well known as well, together with lavender oil being the leading one in Europe of the time. The town streets and squares serve as a stage for contemporary music concerts and popular ‘If you are a wine lover, this fair is a ‘must see’.Compare deals from multiple websites to find your hotel, hostel, or private apartment for the best price! Their They need people FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE FESTIVAL  from 22 / 23.06. to 28.06.2015 and  during the festival 26,27.06.2015 (Friday and Saturday). It takes place in Hvar town at old theater, the oldest European theater. ⦁ Destination Package: €1,549. You can download  their During July the 54th Hvar summer festival will continue with various performances. Pjover - udruga za zaštitu i revitalizaciju Velog Grablja, Hvar. Lavender festival - Velo Grablje, Hvar. His passion for traveling and immense experience from working in tourism industry encouraged him to write many of our expert Split travel guides. If you would like to run in this marathon be sure to get more info on This is the oldest Hvar Croatia events that has reached its 40th edition. Honey and lavender are two typical 7th lavender festival will take place in Velo Grablje, few miles from Hvar town on the road Hvar to Stari Grad.Association “Pjover” for the protection and revitalization of Velo Grablje decided to promote the event “lavender festival” which will become traditional.The desire of the association is to promote one two-day economic and tourist and cultural event in Velo Grablje, within the framework of modern conditions and economic and tourism needs.Association ‘Pjover’ are looking for volunteers for this festival, which takes place in the Eco-ethno village, Velo Grablje on Hvar island. All these happenings are closely related to the flora and fauna of the island and old historic traditions. For more info visit During the wine fair all hotels organize  music for dancing, games and shows. It’s one of the longest festivals on the island.This honey fair and exhibition will be held in Stari Grad, Hvar island, fromThis sweet addition to the summer calendar for Hvar Croatia Events will take place in Stari Grad for the fourth time since 2012.The three-day event, called Days of Hvar Honey will be held in Ploca Square (Trg Ploca) in the old town, and will be organized by the beekeepers and lavender association. - 31. prosinca 2019. za klase Laser, Laser Radial, Laser 4.7. Here you can It’s the unique occasion to taste the best wines from Hvar as well as a variety of local gastronomic specialties. 21–28 September 2019 │ Hvar, Croatia. There is a discotheque in the center of Jelsa. You can also check for flights and ferries to Croatia, book airport transfers in advance, or find most popular tours and cruises, all thanks to my partners!If the form above is not loading you can search directly on Below are my recommended sailing trips in Croatia from trusted companies and tour operators. Honey production has a centuries-old tradition. Join a top-rated walking tour of Split's famous monuments and landmarks with a professional tour guide and learn It will be a great pity, if you don’t buy a jar of this highly praised, lavender and rosemary honey.August looks like to be dedicated to sport events but I have to remind you that 54th Hvar summer festival is still going on in Hvar Town.It has no long tradition, but if you like running, you want miss this half Marathon from Hvar to Stari Grad. Find info about times, prices, tickets, routes, ports and availability for all companies operating ferries between Italy and Croatia. Important note: Please bring your CESPM 2019 conference badges to welcome reception, visit to Hvar fortress and conference dinner, otherwise you may not be able to attend these social events. It’s the only competition that has been taking place without interruption, since I was 20 years old.It’s a rather tough competition for well prepared swimmers as the swimming trail is almost 5 nautical miles long.The interesting fact of this swimming marathon is that it has never changed the date.  The event takes place always on the last weekend in August, so that this year’s date is August 31st.

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