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Maynard objected to this decision, but Fujitora only told him not to complain.As Luffy's allies prepared to stand their ground against the admiral, Fujitora used his gravity ability and prepared to strike them all by raising up all the rubble from Dressrosa into the sky and clearing the way for a battlefield. This Devil Fruit allows him to manipulate gravitational force at will.With its powers, Fujitora was able to bring down multiple meteors from space and even create enough gravitational force to pin Luffy in one place. 「ONE PIECE 海賊無双4」キャラクター紹介映像~イッショウ(藤虎)~ PS4 Nintendo Switch XboxOneFujitora ate the Stomp-Stomp Fruit (Zushi Zushi no Mi), which is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to manipulate gravitational forces at will. As a testament of his power, he stated that the meteor he brought down was merely to test his strength. A big downside of the Devil Fruit is that its effects can be reverted through attacking the Devil Fruit user and rendering them unconscious.Rei Penber is an avid fan of anime and manga. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, he later regrets this decision, as he was unable to see the face of Fujitora is also a man of his word and follows his own rules, and sometimes makes his decisions based on a roll of a dice that he always carries wherever he goes. He also loves to gamble, and often makes references to gambling as part of his character. Fujitora exhibits immense concern for innocent civilians, prioritizing their safety over his duty to arrest and punish criminals, unlike his superior Akainu and several other high-ranking marines, such as Vice-Admirals who are ruthless to the point of sacrificing their own subordinates for the sake of killing criminals.Despite his responsible personality, he seems to enjoy gambling and is not entirely serious with his duties, as he was playing roulette even when he was supposed to be apprehending Luffy and Law.Another trait Fujitora displayed is his ability to remain calm. You can connect with him on his email: reipenber17@gmail.com When Doflamingo's business associates attempted to kill Luffy, Fujitora dropped the rubble on the enemy fleet as a farewell gift for Luffy and thanked him for cleaning up the World Government's mess. Devil Fruits are mystical and mysterious fruits found throughout the world that, when consumed, grant the eater a special super-human power, at the cost of the eater's ability to swim. Posted by. When Luffy took him on in a one-on-one fight, Fujitora was amused by the fact that Luffy started calling out his own attacks in battle, not to patronize him because of his handicap, but because Luffy had taken a liking to Fujitora and wanted an earnestly fair fight with the admiral. It offers the power to manipulate strings to the user in exchange for their ability to swim.

He demanded that Fujitora did his job to kill Luffy and Law, threatening to make sure no marine base would allow him in until the task was done. After achieved his goal, he placed hope on the SSG (Special Science Group) to replace the now disband Shichibukai. His excellent hearing, for example, allowed him to hear Further in the anime, Fujitora is shown to be very good at gambling, having won many roulette games in a Fujitora uses his sword to create a massive hole with his Devil Fruit.Additionally, he has shown himself able to make circular, attack-repelling fields of reverse gravityBeing of admiral rank, Fujitora possesses proficiency in Fujitora has demonstrated high skill in Busoshoku Haki, being able to physically clash head-on with Fujitora is masterful in Kenbunshoku Haki, which he uses to compensate for his blindness in battle, his incredible skill giving him a strong sense of danger.

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