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Dai test effettuati, gli orari in questa stagione si collocano circa dalle 6 alle ore 18 nepalesi, che corrispondono all’intervallo tra le 2.15 del mattino e le 14.15 italiane.LOBUCHE, Nepal — La webcam installata domenica 16 maggio dal Comitato EvK2Cnr e posizionata sulla cima di Kala Patthar, a 5600 metri di quota, per inquadrare la vetta dell’Everest, da oggi invierà immagini ogni 60 secondi. Thanks to the camera, you don't have to be a "Super Sherpa" to enjoy views from atop the highestmountain above sea level.The camera was installed as a part of a program to monitor climate change in the Himalayan region, reported Treehugger.The camera was placed on Kala Patthar summit, 18,000 feet (5,600 The webcam operates from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm Nepalese time (0015 to 1215 GMT) from the Kala Patthar summit, recording stunning images of 8,848-metre Mount Everest as well as the South Col. Everest live webcam: da oggi immagini in diretta ogni minuto Mar, 24/05/2011 - 11:40 da evk2cnr LOBUCHE, Nepal — La webcam installata domenica 16 maggio dal Comitato EvK2Cnr e posizionata sulla cima di Kala Patthar, a 5600 metri di quota, per inquadrare la vetta dell’Everest, da … Foto:

The world's highest webcam has been installed atop Mount Everest.

Thanks for sharing this one. The world’s highest peak Mount Everest goes live on internet with world’s highest webcam installed by Ev-K2-CNR, the mountain research group, at 5,675 meters on Kala Patthar, a smaller mountain facing the Everest. Kathmandu - The world's highest webcam has been installed in the Nepalese Himalayas, beaming live images of Mount Everest back to scientists studying the effects of climate change on the planet's tallest peak.The solar-powered camera, set at 5,675 metres on Kala Patthar, a smaller mountain facing Everest, will withstand temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius and operates during daylight hours.The device, developed by German surveillance firm Mobotix, is more than a kilometre higher than the previous record for a high-altitude webcam set by a 4,389-metre-altitude camera at the base camp of Mount Aconcagua in Argentina.“We spent months developing the perfect set-up for the installation and invested a lot of time testing and verifying the system,” said Giampietro Kohl of Ev-K2-CNR, the mountain research group which installed the camera.“It inspired us on to set a record: operating the highest webcam in the world.”The webcam operates from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm Nepalese time (0015 to 1215 GMT) from the Kala Patthar summit, recording stunning images of 8,848-metre Mount Everest as well as the South Col.The image is updated every five minutes, allowing climatologists to track the movement of the clouds around the mountain's summit.“Researchers selected Kala Patthar as the camera location because it offers an excellent view of the western side of Mount Everest, including the north and southwest faces of the mountain and the West Ridge,” a spokesman for Mobotix said in a statement.The camera, which went live in September, uses a wireless connection to transmit images to the Ev-K2-CNR Pyramid Laboratory, located at an altitude of 5,050 metres.The footage is then analysed by scientists in Italy who hope to learn more about climate change and global warming using the images in conjunction with meteorological data gathered from Everest.The exact height of the world's tallest peak is also being re-measured in a separate Nepali project attempting to end confusion on the issue.The mountain, which straddles Nepal and China, is generally thought to stand at 8,848 metres after an Indian survey in 1954, but other more recent measurements have varied by several metres.Last year, officials from Nepal and China reached a compromise under which Nepal measured the height of Everest's snowcap at 8,848 metres and China measured the rock peak at 8,844 metres.The final result will be known in two years' time after reference points are set up on Everest and then global-positioning system satellites are used to calculate the precise measurement.The first measurement of Everest was made in 1856. 10 at night here and they are showing a 10:40 am image. "Webcam en vivo desde el Everest" articulo "han instalado una webcam a una altura de 5,675 metros en el vecino monte Kala Patthar."

Better than images from local mountains. I just looked at the Everest cam. soy lector habitual y me gusta neoteo, pero siempre pecais de lo mismo, de querer buscar un titulo lo mas impactante posible, y eso no siempre puede ser asi. Questi fanno sì che la webcam sia attiva solo entro certe condizioni di illuminazione, altrimenti si perderebbe energia inutilmente. a ver, la noticia es interesante, esta bien redactada, etc. It is so amazingly clear.

Noe jeg synes er ekstra gøy: live bilder fra Mount Everest! Ricordiamo che l’immagine dell’Everest inviata dalla webcam, da ora aggiornata ogni minuto, è disponibile soltanto nelle ore di luce nepalesi.Il funzionamento della webcam, infatti, è possibile grazie all’attivazione automatica dei sistemi di controllo delle alimentazioni.

It was conquered in 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary, and has since been climbed by more than 3,000 people. - Sapa-AFPImages from the world's highest webcam can be seen at: visit the official Government information portal for Coronavirus by clicking 10 at night here and they are showing a 10:40 am image. Nel Subcontinente Indiano il clima si distingue in una stagione secca (definita anche monsone secco) che si estende da novembre ad aprile ed una stagione umida (monsone o monsone umido), che va da maggio a settembre-ottobre.Durante quest'ultima la webcam restituirà prevalentemente immagini di nubi.

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