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You also aren't going to be able to capture anything that looks similar to i.e. I am always at the beach or Disneyland and taking photos of my girls. People like to have camera with them and as small as possible. It looks cool until it doesn't, and then it looks really terrible. Produces more detailed photographs than the iPhone; Large and doesn’t fit in a pocket like the iPhone 11 Pro Max; An additional expense, vs. just using your iPhone; Image source. Since a while I downgraded to a mirrorless Fuji that is really fun, but iPhone will change definitely the way to take pictures, amazing5 out of 5 only cause I know how background does more with phone.Got 4 out of 5 right, the lake, trees, and clouds in the background of the second to last photo seem weirdly sharper on the iphone, where I thought the software would blur them out in a more artificial flavor. The idea of photography also changed drastically it was changing ever since the first phone had a camera in it.. Now photography is about picture taking, not making art.. Reason why I am watching this video is to decide if I should sell my canon. It's an awesome camera, though 5/5 . The Iphone 11's camera is the only reason I bumped up so much from an iphone SE. iPhones have a clear (well blended) blurring effect. But I may wait to see how the new Samsung S20 Ultras do when they come out in a few weeks on February 11. Samsung is also cashing in by chasing the iPhone "ambulance in traffic". It's all about who took the photo, in my opinion, but it the software has definitely gotten better. I have heard mixed reviews about canon g5x mark ii, and then again iphone is just a phone. i lacks the blur/focus level that the dslr has and it's precision is not nearly as goodi can tell by the quality of the blur; the iphone is on at the same level4 out of 5. that lake shot was tricky!!
But dont forget that the same techniques can be used with camera to even further increase the capabilities of post processing Maybe sometime later phones will totally dominate the camera market. Copyright Photography 2018 Really like the color balances, dynamic range, and video stability on the iPhone. The S10 and 11 is a similar bundle. note 10 is more reliable honestly. iPhone 11 Pro VS $7500 Pro DSLR Camera. Share on Facebook Tweet This Share on Google Plus Pin This Email This. Thanks again for the video man. The give away for me was the level of detail shown in the 1DX photos.
Would you recommend the iphone 11 pro OR Canon g5x mark ii for photos. As good as iphone cameras may be, you just can't beat the quality and versatility of a real standalone camera.I got 4 out of 5 right! Otherwise, DSLR & mirrorless go extinct. Any advice is appreciated, thank you!I got 4 of the 5… But I've also been to school for Photography, so; I may have a better eye when it comes to judging photos.I got alll of them right.
No wonder though it's an Apple product.I got 4 out of 5 correct. Comments. He was shocked at how good the 5s was. But I'm thinking of buying an iPhone 11 Pro instead. I use my iPhone for casual photography pretty frequently, but try and print an 8x10 or larger with an iPhone 11 Pro and compare it to even an aging dSLR/mirrorless/etc and you'll notice immediately, especially for any fine details that are far focused. You know how that goes. iPhone 11 Pro VS $7500 Pro DSLR Camera. But i chose the one that i liked betterThe smartphone has killed the point'n'shoot as well as beginner DSLR/mirrorless market. Seem to have caught up with Google Pixels. So people do not need a camera anymore, they need a device to just take a snap.. Thats all… Looking from my perspective I think in the future only the purist will have cameras and will use them only for their personal appeal, the complete majority will stick with the phones and by that time camera market will shrink to the point where we will have either very expensive cameras, because the market will be very small, or wont have any new cameras at all… I had 3 out of 5 right. Also a good price. The iPhone 11 Pro has a great triple-camera system, but how does it stack up to a DSLR? Well I didn't focus on details. Which would you recommend of the two? Background blurring (bokeh) is intense, often out of range, simply doesn't hold the pro statement of the whole scenario.The only one I got wrong was the one with the lake. August 8, 2020 No offense but for camera tests pls don't use portrait mode it gives it awayiPhone is a lot better. The only one I got wrong was the 4th image which were very close.The background just gives it away. I can’t wait to get my iPhone 11 Pro! The only one I got wrong was the first one. Maybe it's a depth of the field.
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