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In what sense does or should present-day jazz One of the historical things about black music reflect these historical roots? 16:00 BEYONDJINDIVIDUALISM?J–J JCOMMUNITIESJ&J COLLECTIVESJINJJAZZJANDJ IMPROVISEDJMUSIC Keynote EmmaJWarrenJ Künmtler*innengempräch mit / Artist talk withJJ JeanJCook,JAngelJBatJDawid,JPeterJ Knight,JLizJKosack,JJEmmaJWarrenJ Moderation JuliaJNeupertJ GROSSE B HNE 18:00 BRIANJMARSELLAJ EUS) Deutmchlandpremiere / German premiere 20:00 21:00 OPENJFORMJFORJSOCIETY CHRISTIANJLILLINGER EDE / GR / SI / AT / UK / SE) COMPOSITIONSJBYJPETERJKNIGHTJANDJJULIAJREIDY AUSTRALIANJARTJJ ORCHESTRA EAU) Deutmchlandpremiere / German premiere GARDENJOFJHYPHAE KIMJCOLLECTIVE EDE / US / SE / NO / AU) Klanginmtallation und Performance / Sound installation and performance 21:15 ANGELJBATJDAWIDJJ &JTHEJBROTHAHOOD EUS) Deutmchlandpremiere / German premiere OBERES FOYER KASSEN HALLE GROSSE B HNE 22:30 LATEJNIGHTJLABJI KAOSJPULS ESE / AT) MOSKUSJTRIO ENO) Deutmchlandpremiere / German premiere MOPCUT EFR / AT / US) Deutmchlandpremiere / German premiere A-TRANE 21:00 ELLIOTJGALVIN EUK) 22:20 MELTINGJPOT EDE / NO / BE / PL) In Zumammenarbeit mit / In collaboration with Jazztopad / Handelbeurm / Namjonal jazzmcene / Jazzfemtival Saalfelden QUASI MODO 22:30 Doorm 21:00 THEJYOUNGJMOTHERS EUS / NO) Deutmchlandpremiere / German premiere 2525 The musicians will play for 100 minutes in ever-chang- ing formations on the reconfigured main stage of the Festspielhaus. projects in that sense, also lately exploring other people’s music. 76 for three musicians (1977) 30 Sie erzählen eine Geschichte, die sich bis in unsere Gegenwart fortsetzen lässt und die sicherlich auch vom Scheitern kündet, von abgebrochenen Musiker*- innenbiografien. last year is with KIM Collective – with the focus shifting to the Berlin music scene. I’m trying to find the concept according to which sound is renewed every time it’s expressed. Is it jazz if you do not acknowledge the roots of jazz and where it came from? Our first album is pretty lyrical and based on songs, and we had already moved on to playing more improvised con- certs. Gefördert durch die Bundemzentrale für politimche Bildung / bpb und vom Mumikfondm e.V. The interview originally appeared in French in the magazine Les Inrockuptibles no. Man kann heute nur verblüfft zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass sein an Ideen und Projekten beispiellos viel- seitiges Werk bereits in seinen frühesten Arbeiten wie in einem Mikrokosmos angelegt ist: „I think of my work as the gradual evolution of ideas which were there right from the very start.” 1 Gibt es einen stärkeren Beleg für Altersreife in jungen Jahren? one when you have seen how many people it takes to run a thing like Total Refreshment Centre. Debate between strong artistic voices often turns out to be what drives interesting bands, ensembles and music scenes.

Was seine Kreativität angeht, sprüht der heute bald Fünfundsiebzigjährige vor jugendlichem Elan. Berliner Festspiele Tanz zu Gast CLASSY CLASSICS Gauthier Dance FEBRUAR 20.2. – 1.3. It’s primarily the piano that has served at all times as the framework in music, but it’s no longer indispensable and, in fact, the commercial aspect of music is very uncertain. It is not hard to imagine that doing your own thing can be quite difficult within a system telling you to cre- ate a product that is individual but, at the same time, conform enough to sell on the market. Martin Bühler est sur Facebook. In your opinion, does jazz necessarily have to be black music or spiritual music? Inspiration zu Grenzgängen finden einige Musi- Seien Sie dabei, wenn an vier Festivaltagen Other singers who will explore the spectrum a world premiere with her new trio Melez and a “Suite” that transcends genre borders. 115 (1997) and was translated into English by Timothy S. Murphy. Whether it is a collective or a band with a bandleader, the decision is still there. I always wanted to be a musician, but you know how life is. Der Ablaufplan einer Aufführung ist so angelegt, dass im Prinzip alle Kompositionen Synthese aller Kompositionen: Sämtliche von Raummusik: „Sonic Genome“ gehört zu Braxtons ganz oder in Teilen nacheinander und gleichzeitig gespielt werden können. I am not an “Ornette Coleman expert”, but if I that prewritten music prevents the event from taking place? I think that’s true of my music, of bands like The Necks, even Julia Reidy a little bit. THE GROOVE OF A MEGACITY Film von / by Atef Ben Bouzid (DE, 2017) ALBERT-MANGELSDORFF-PREIS AN PAUL LOVENS THE MASS OF HYPHAE – A KIM COLLECTIVE FUNGUS OPERA Preisverleihung & Konzert / Award Ceremony & Concert (DE / US / SE / NO / AU) Creation MARC RIBOT.

It’s more like, “You don’t even want to acknowledge where it came from?” It came out of struggle, out of people being trauma- tised. Es ist eine Art Bilanz seines bisherigen Schaffens und zugleich führt es in neue Dimensionen. Die Begebenheit in Woodstock, als Braxton seinen Kollegen ein Konitz-Solo vorsang, erzählt eine andere Geschichte – keine Vorgeschichte von irgendwas. Ereignisse wie das Jazz- fest Berlin und ihre Verbreitung durch die Medien waren eine kulturelle (Luft-)Brücke. [LK] We will see how it all goes together, but I guess there will be newly formed duos and trios and quartets playing the music of the pre-existing ones or using it as corner- stones for improvisation.

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