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Returned to the U.S. and was assigned to E Company in the 10th Special Forces Group at Ft. Devens, Massachusetts until October 1969, when he rejoined ST Idaho at CCN.That tour of duty ended suddenly in April 1970 after the CCN commander refused Meyer’s first request to pull his four-man team from an A Shau Valley target. I’m speechless and just would like to thank those men for their service and pay them my respect!God, I want to not marry, marry that guy! John Stryker Meyer is an American author and U.S. Army veteran, having served in covert reconnaissance with the Studies and Observations Group, also known as MACV-SOG. John Stryker Meyer is a living legend and can be heard speaking about his experiences in these books on Hazzard Ground Podcast and Jocko Willinks podcast where he can be heard speaking about all three books plus he brings on his fellow SF trooper "The Frenchman" who sadly passed soon after his appearance on the podcast. Tilt and Dick Tompsons POD cast are the best Jocko podcasts I have listened to!

I’m a highish level bjj player but sucked at work and monetary success.

©2011 John Stryker Meyer (P)2019 John Stryker Meyer Critic Reviews “As the commander of SOG, I can say that “ Across the Fence ” accurately reflects why the secret war was hazardous for our troops and so deadly for the enemy. 258 Paperback What a great fun guy.

A longtime friend and Army buddy of mine, who had gone Ninja-Eagle up to FtBragg from HAAF 1/75 where we met, turned me on to your podcast. ,

181) During the Vietnam War, a “secret war” was fought across the fence in Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam, unknown to the media or the public, under the aegis of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam’s top secret Studies and Observation Group. Born 19 January 1946, John Stryker Meyer entered the Army on 1 …

John Stryker Meyer.

Thought provoking and captivating. Thank you guysWTFx2…..Over! Witness a Green Beret, shot in the back four times and left for dead, who survives to fight savagely against incredible odds to complete his missions.From 1964 to 1972, far beyond the battlefields of Vietnam and the glare of media distortions, American Green Berets and their indigenous troops fought a deadly secret war in Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam under the aegis of the top secret Military Assistance Command Vietnam — Studies and Observations Group, or simply SOG.Awesome podcast! John Stryker Meyer a former Special Forces Soldier who earned a Green Beret is also the author of another great book: Across the Fence: The Secret War in Vietnam. Learning about SOG through these PODCASTS is beyond fascinating. Buy now with 1-Click Kindle Edition


The KoolAid was administered via Beer Funnel. A fascinating speaker.Let’s hope he has few more books yet to be written.It is incredible to listen to Mister John Stryker Meyer! Buy now with 1-Click John Meyer , After a 12-week training session in Ft. Gordon, on radio teletype, Meyer landed in South Vietnam in April 1968, and arrived at FOB 1 in Phu Bai in May 1968, where he joined Spike Team Idaho.When FOB 1 was closed in January 1969, ST Idaho was helicoptered to FOB 4 in Da Nang, which became designated Command and Control North, CCN.
19.6k Followers, 29 Following, 40 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from John Stryker Meyer (@jstrykermeyer)

I stumbled across, ordered and read ‘Across the Fence’ in like 72hrs a few years ago, it captivated me for days after I finished it….

as I pulled up your website/podcast thinking that it had been so long….. Biography. I got in the door at a legit m manufacturing place and works my ass off cleaning neglected machines — got first promotion because of a no notice quit, first 30% raise in pay after 2.5 weeks. (

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