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Despite not being identical twins, Junko and her older twin sister Junko's usual outfit includes a black cardigan over a white dress shirt, with both left open to the third button to expose the top of her black-and-red bra, a red pleated miniskirt, and mid-sized black boots with platform heels and red laces. After Ryota finds a video of the student council's mutual killing game, Junko tried to make him despair by traumatizing him. Junko revealed that the reason why she loved despair so much was because of that super analytical ability—she had gotten bored with the world and she believed that only despair could save her from that boredom. Junko was amused by how much hope Chiaki had and taunted her for that during Chiaki's execution. Makoto states that she doesn't need to die, but Junko executes herself even after his request. As she puts it, she regretted the moment of her own birth, feeling that her birth into the world was a mistake.
Alter Ego is believed to be completely destroyed, and the students mourn Sakura and Alter Ego's deaths. In However, paradoxically, it was also indicated that Junko did truly love her sister and that all of her horrible treatment of her was to make her feel despair, which Junko considered to be a loving act. Mukuro then asked Junko why she contacted her. In the Otomedia Winter issue 2016, Following the reveal of her analytical talent, it can be inferred (but not proven) that Junko's obsessions are ironically fueled by her great ability to read, predict, and empathize with people around her. He justified the moral discrepancies by saying it could be used in a beneficial way, as Junko began to see it as something she could use to her advantage. Junko excitedly showered Izuru with flattery before she starting to manipulate him by threatening to kill him with a knife. As the trial carries on, Makoto, Kyoko, and Byakuya Togami appear in the game and Junko's full plans are revealed to the cast. She said she'll never forget Yasuke even if she forgets everything else, and they'll always be together. He wanted to prevent her from ever remembering, in order to protect her from herself and to protect other people. She was a highly toxic individual, being both physically and mentally abusive to everyone around her. She used security footage to frame Izuru as the sole murderer and revealed that the Reserve Course had been implemented to acquire the money for human experimentation. She also seems to treat her like a servant, as Mikan is seen massaging her legs. As they searched, Junko interrupted the conversation between Izuru and Chiaki, who had been desperately asking about his previous identity as After the two students left, Junko told Chisa that she had let Chiaki and Nagito escape because she had come up with a better plan. Besides that, Junko doesn't care about any of them - except to Mukuro and Izuru - considering them pawns to achieve her goals. She also began to broadcast everything as a TV program for the public to enjoy and fall into despair. Not being able to find out anything useful discouraged Yasuke. Junko's feelings towards Chisa are unknown, but she seems to view Chisa as more than a tool to do her bidding; Junko is seen personally talking to Chisa in the afterlife, laughing at how much Chisa had accomplished as an Ultimate Despair. Junko incapacitated them somehow, executed the headmaster Jin Kirigiri, and erased her classmates' memories. Yasuke and Junko were childhood friends and met on amicable terms during when Yasuke's unnamed mother was struck with a disease implied to be Alzheimer's, causing her to lose recognition of her son which also resulted in Yasuke being neglected and abused as a child, which later made him become majorly depressed and introverted before he met Junko while still in elementary school. Mikan was the first person in Class 77-B Junko brainwashed. After Junko was executed, most members of Ultimate Despair committed suicide. Junko at first seemed to have an underlying obsession with Izuru, possible because he is the Ultimate Hope, and attempted to kill him because of his title.
For the first time in his life, Yasuke cried in front of another person, after making her promise she won't make fun of him, won't tell anyone, and won't try to console him. Junko Enoshima (in Japanese: 江ノ島 盾子, Enoshima Junko) is the overall main antagonist of the Danganronpa franchise. The surviving members hacked her body into pieces and attached those parts to themselves; one notable example was Nagito, who took her left hand and treated it as his own, despite it being non-functional, and As a back-up plan, Junko had created an AI version of herself, with the knowledge she stole from Alter Ego Junko manipulates both the Warriors of Hope and the adults of the Junko appears alongside Mukuro after the events of the Giboura Massacre, congratulating her for a job well done. A student labeling herself as the Ultimate Fashionista, it is soon revealed that she is the founder of the organization known as "Ultimate Despair", a terrorist organization responsible for "The Worst, Most Despair-Inducing Incident in the History of Mankind" and also the true identity of the bear that oversees the game, Monokuma. Junko's personality and mannerisms tend to be very erratic and unstable; she claims that her high level of intelligence makes her bored of even her own personality. Junko is a young woman who took the country by storm with her extravagant tastes and cheerful charisma. Junko planned to upload her own AI into the comatose bodies which would effectively revive her in their bodies and to also keep the members of the Future Foundation locked in the game forever as she is the one that must allow a student to graduate.
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