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Junko's personality and mannerisms tend to be very erratic and unstable; she claims that her high level of intelligence makes her bored of even her own personality. Ironically, her popularity as a fashionista was due to an air of being 'not fake'. She delightfully accepted her execution and death, but not before giving the remaining students the means to escape the Academy, as well as telling them that her death would make the school unlivable as it would cause the school's air purifier to turn off, allowing the polluted air from the destroyed outside world to come inside.

It's just my characterization! And not just for me. She taunted the students, still, despite the setback, and proclaimed that even if Makoto survived the execution he would eventually rot inside the school garbage dump, making his punishment worse than usual. Grid View List View “They may hate you, but it doesn’t matter. That's … Male friendship is a bond that runs thicker than blood!” – Kiyotaka Ishimaru“There is no greater accomplishment in life than pushing yourself to the limit, always! This is the story of the beginning of that. I felt like a tame little house cat who’d wandered into a pride of lions.” – Naegi Makoto“That was how it all began… And how life as I knew it came to an end. In overall terms of personality, she is an incredibly unpredictable, psychotic, treacherous and pitiless sadist by nature, and cares nothing more than to create despair and misery towards other people.

So I guess this is as good a chance as I’m gonna get.” – Naegi Makoto“I refuse to give up. | See more about pink, aesthetic and grunge So naturally, the anime is filled with quotes and life lessons taken from each characters predicament. nobodys happy.feel free to ask or talk to me.chainsaw girl images, image search, & inspiration to browse every day.Image shared by サラ. She is the main antagonist of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, a recurring antagonist in Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Academy and a posthumous antagonist in New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony.She is also the main antagonist in the … Anyway, Junko is the Ultimate Despair! She believes in all things despair. A just heart, moving toward the light. It was the country’s finest, top to bottom. Have none of you accepted the reality of the situation?” – Kyoko Kirigiri“It’s odd, isn’t it? See more ideas about Red aesthetic, Heather chandler and Trigger happy havoc. Junko is voiced by Amanda Miller and Erin Fitzgerald in the English dubbed versions of the games. The official mascot for Anime Motivation.finally more danganronpa content on this website ,i love this website but it needs some more danganronpa conten I'm a stuffed plushie. Living in despair.” – Naegi Makoto“Explosions might happen all the time in movies or whatever, but when it’s in real life… I’d never seen anything like it.” – Naegi Makoto“I’m still totally lost, but I think it’s best to just focus on getting to know each other for now. 2. Without imagination, you can never deduce which action to take next.” – Kyoko Kirigiri“Don’t go around doing whatever you feel like.

It causes problems. See more ideas about Pink aesthetic, Despair, Danganronpa. As the trial carries on, Makoto, Kyoko, and Byakuya Togami appear in the game and Junko's full plans are revealed to the cast. I'm the narrator here! Alter Ego is meant to emulate a person, and as such Alter Ego retains a very similar personality to their creator. She was able to befriend her classmates of the 78th Class and decided to use them for the High School Life of Mutual Killing in the future. It is messy and confusing. Despair is what even you cannot predict. But that doesn't mean she completely despises hope.. Despite not being identical twins, Junko and her older twin sister Mukuro Ikusaba share several physical characteristics.

Her motives center around causing despair either in others or herself. The sculpture got closer to completion and many people from around the neighborhood came over just to watch her work. Hey, hey!

Who will become the next "Junko Enoshima?" Everyone catches it.” – Junko Enoshima“Girls could never understand the passionate bonds that we men share. Text. That is all. Only despair’s unpredictability will save you from a boring future.” – Junko Enoshima everyones fine. TW ; blood, knives, wepaons, guns___________A U T O P L A Y___________ Far Cry 3 / Grand Theft Auto / Breaking Bad 1 of 3 ⇝ I II III IV V VI VII VIII ©Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love.


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