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$1,294.37 per adult. We will send some suggestions based on your needs.
Fuji. Select from a unique range of luxurious cultural experiences that are limited to smaller groups, which is why the maximum group size is 6 guests. The observation deck is situated at 1075 meters above sea level with 360 degree panoramic view of Mount Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi.
The Golden Triangle of Japan: Kawazu
From the observation deck, which sits more than 1000 meters above sea level, there are panoramic views of the lake below and of Mount Fuji.Mount Tenjo is the setting of Dazai Osamu's folk story "Kachi Kachi Yama", for which the ropeway is named, in which a rabbit gets revenge on a thieving tanuki (Japanese raccoon) by setting him on fire and drowning him in a river. on a thieving raccoon, which is why there are cartoonish
If you're in the area don't miss this opportunity for absolutely amazing views of the entire surrounding lake area and Mt.
At the top of the mountain you can enjoy some small snacks or drinks. Lake Kawaguchi-ko is … Departures every five to ten minutesThere is even a tiny shrine with some lovely bowl-throwing game to play withEnglish address: 1163-1 Azagawa Fujikawaguchiko-machi, minamituru-gun, Yamanashi 401-0303, Japan. the observation deck near the peak of Mount Tenjo. Best of Honshu & Hokkaido: Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido
Experience luxurious hotels and travel at a leisurely pace when you book a Deluxe-Plus small group tour.Enjoy more than just sightseeing. Absolutely worth the $7 or so round trip cost. The red and orange Autumn leaves to the side of the mountain made beautiful photos.I walked upstairs again to another viewing platform that overlooked Lake Kawaguchi and out to Mt Fuji.
The tickets for the ropeway are ¥720 for return trip.
Cherry Blossom Festival & Snow Monkeys 2021 - 2/21 These tours allow you to enjoy Japanese culture firsthand in the intimacy of a small group. Most popular time to visit Mt. Kachi Kachi Ropeway is also known as Mt Fuji Panoramic Ropeway. This mascots are the protagonists of old tales of the Kachi Kachi mountain, and their adventures are narrated on boards at the end of the ropeway. “It is The tanuki challenged the rabbit to a life or death contest to prove who was the better creature. Address: 1163 Azagawa Fujikawaguchiko-machi Minamitsuru-gun Yamanashi-ken 401-0303 ญี่ปุ่น, Azagawa, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi-ken 401-0303, Japan, Tokyo; … Kachi Kachi ropeway. Beyond Tokyo: Kawazu Cherry Blossoms & Snow Monkey
2 reviews.
I continued over to the ticket machines and purchased a round trip ticket, then walked up the stairs to join a queue.
Mt. Mt Fuji Private One-Day Tour by Chartered Vehicle from Tokyo. We will send some suggestions based on your needs. From the observation deck, which sits more than 1000 meters above sea level, there are panoramic views of the lake below and of Mount Fuji. Fuji and the view of Lake Kawaguchi. Mt. After leaving Tokyo’s very wet typhoon weather, I was really lucky to have perfect weather during my 4 day stay in Mt Fuji.My arrival at the ropeway entrance was interesting as I noticed some funny looking animal statues – a raccoon and rabbit in some boats. Lake Kawaguchi. More info. My host had told me that Mt Kachi Kachi is a very scenic area to view Mt Fuji, so I was really looking forward to going on the ropeway. $1,332.04 per adult. Ltd All rights reservedWe will suggest an itinerary that fits your search criteria.Start planning your itinerary from scratch and add your desired attractions.It's better to search for the weather forecast before you go because it surely gives better view on the good weather.If you go down the ladder from the top of the rope way station, you will pass by the rabbit farm and rose farm the the bottom.Be warned - on days with high winds the tram will shut down for safety reasons and it's about a 40 minute walk down from the top if you're in reasonably good shape.Opening Hours: 9:00 to 17:00 (March through November), The Kachi Kachi Ropeway ascends 400 meters from the eastern shore of Lake Kawaguchiko to an observation deck near the peak of Mount Tenjo. The Kachi Kachi Ropeway
The rabbit carved its boat out of a fallen tree trunk, but the foolish tanuki made a boat of mud.
Kachi Kachi Ropeway attraction address, business hours, brief introduction, open hours, nearby recommendation, restaurant, reviews etc.
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