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VS Battles Wiki. He responded swiftly with his Icesaber, blocking Sakazuki's would be fatal attack almost casually. During the war at Marineford, the former Shichibukai Shanks intervened on Sakazuki's attempt to kill Koby, while Sakazuki was shocked to see him at Marineford. Akainu then burned Jinbe as the latter attempted to protect Ace from a strike to the head. The Fleet Admiral Inner Circle is a private association of Marines that work independently of the Gorosei and the World Government, serving directly under Fleet Admiral Kurama. Sakazuki's tattoo has flame-shaped edges, and it extends from the admiral's left shoulder to his hip, covering part of his back and ribs. There are always at least five vice admirals sent with a Buster Call fleet. The only vice admiral to wear an attire different from others is, again, John Giant, who wears a gold and red uniform with a strain of medals on his chest, and later Smoker who keeps his current marine jacket, only adding to it the standard marine coat. SOURCE UNKNOWN (p. 73), The three Admirals are considered some of the strongest characters within the One Piece world. Akainu, along with Aokiji and Kizaru, managed to stop Whitebeard's seismic waves directed to the platform on which Ace was chained.After the steel wall was finally raised around the pirates, Akainu started to attack the pirates with his After Whitebeard and his crew successfully entered the plaza, Whitebeard began to swing his Bisento for another attack when Akainu intervened, and told him that the island would not hold out long if he kept doing that.

During the ensuing conflict, Akainu burned off a portion of Whitebeard's head. The general attire of a vice admiral is that of a Marine coat with epaulets and a suit and tie worn underneath. He has been featured in the Bunta Sugawara, the actor who Sakazuki was based on. Sakazuki later interrupted a meeting Sengoku was holding and said that the Marines were leaving Wano Country alone due to not having enough manpower to deal with both Big Mom and Kaido. Not wanting to serve under Sakazuki, Kuzan decided to resign from the Marines. He continues to wear the standard Marine cap, though unlike his predecessor's, it does not have the life-sized seagull on top.

By way of this status, they answer only to Kurama and are exempt from the commands of other Marine soldiers of potentially higher rank, including those of the Admirals. He was enraged of hearing the news of the Sakazuki later had a meeting with the Five Elders and a heated argument broke out between them. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. These officers can have varying duties and amounts of authority. Akainu was outraged at this and attacked Koby, only to have his punch blocked by Sakazuki was nominated for the position of fleet admiral after Sengoku had retired. Vice Admiral is the third highest rank in the Marines. He usually wears a standard Marine cap and sports a crimson, do… He also carried a katana on his back.As a child, Sakazuki still had the grim disposition he retained as an adult.

As fleet admiral, Sakazuki instituted a mandatory draft to bolster the forces of the Marines; Admirals Sakazuki and the other high ranking officers discussing After Borsalino informed him of Z's return, Sakazuki ordered a summit meeting at the new Marine Headquarters.

For detailed information about the series, see the One Piece Wiki. FANDOM. This response infuriated Sakazuki further as it meant his power was hollow and empty. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? Akainu attacks, and brutally executes the Marine officer for this "cowardice", much to the horror of During the battle, following Sengoku's orders, Akainu talked to Captain Whitebeard survived Squard's attack, and forgave his ally and started a massive attack against the Marines, using his Devil Fruit's powers. Although they seemed to be on amicable terms previously, as he initially put an immense amount of trust in him since he believed that Issho can stop Law and Luffy, and Issho could address Sakazuki with the nickname Despite their quarrel, Sakazuki kept Issho in the loop of recent events such as the dissolution of the Sakazuki is shown to have absolute loyalty to the World Government and is an extreme follower of their doctrine of Absolute Justice. For example, one vice admiral, John Giant, is seen to have some special authority, as he was the first in the entire Marine Headquarters to receive the report of the Buster Call and could also evidently command other vice admirals to dispatch. So far, Akainu's manipulations have been incredibly successful, such as when he managed to deceive He finds people who attempt to interfere with him as nothing more than irritating obstacles.Prior to Sengoku making it public, Akainu was one of the few who knew that Surprisingly, Sakazuki can demonstrate caution in regards to battling pirates or causing disturbances in global affairs. While most vice admirals wear standard blue epaulets, Garp wears black and red, while Tsuru wears purple. He feigned sympathy to Sakazuki's physical prowess has been displayed well in its immensity, befitting his admiral status. He wore a cap similar to the Marines' cap he would don in the future, except it has the kanji for "justice" instead.

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