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Kid Rock (born Robert James Ritchie on January 17, 1971), is an American singer-songwriter and rapper from Detroit with five Grammy Award nominations.
"All Summer Long" is the title of a song recorded by Kid Rock.
"All Summer Long" is the title of a song recorded by Kid Rock.
It was 1989, my thoughts were short my hair was long
Loading player… "All Summer Long" is the third single from his seventh studio album.
Time zone: Kid Rock (born Robert James Ritchie on January 17, 1971), is an American singer-songwriter and rapper from Detroit with five Grammy Award nominations. Writer/s: Matthew Shafer, Waddy Wachtel, R.j. Ritchie, Leroy Marinell, Warren Zevon, Edward King, Gary Rossington, Ronald Vanzant
It was 1989, my thoughts were short my hair was long Caught somewhere between a boy and man She was seventeen and she was far from in-between It was summertime in Northern Michigan Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh Ahh …
“Sweet Home Alabama” is a hit-song by Lynyrd Skynyrd, it came out in 1974.
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Kid Rock (born Robert James Ritchie on January 17, 1971), is an American singer-songwriter and rapper from Detroit with five Grammy Award nominations.
Singing all summer long Submit Corrections.
Kid Rock is known for music that incorporates elements of
"George Harrison's 1971 song "Bangla Desh" was the first major charity single. The song is based on W…
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