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0 comments. LINUS MEDIA GROUP INC. 104-18643 52ND AVE, SURREY, BC, CANADA. funny, twitch, doctor, dr, peanuts # funny # twitch # doctor # dr # peanuts. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. “Sad Linus” is a meme that surfaced shortly after the live stream titled "I've been thinking of retiring" was streamed and posted on the YouTube channel Linus Tech Tips on January of 2020.
It's a free online image maker that allows you to add custom resizable text to images. The Imgflip watermark helps other people find where the meme was created, so they can make memes too! Linus MEME Group. share. It operates in HTML5 canvas, so your images are created instantly on your own device. What is the Meme Generator? Linus Tech Tips Techquickie TechLinked ShortCircuit Carpool Critics LMG Clips Work For Hire Merch LTX Expo Jobs Contact Us Home ... Linus Media Group, 18643 52 Avenue, Surrey, BC, Canada 5555555555 Decided to start creating my own after having a hard time finding wallpapers for specific Linux distrobutions that suited my tastes. Bored of making memes? Most commonly, people use the generator to add text captions to established In an emotional stream, YouTuber Linus of Linus Tech Tips told fans that he's considering retiring from YouTube, inspiring memes which use his sad expression as a reaction image. How Can Content Creators Protect Memes From Copyright Infringement?
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3.6k. Featured Linus Tech Tips Memes See All. Used as background since this image contains transparency. Enough of Funny RCB Memes!
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