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Participants include:Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator, NASA's Science Mission DirectorateDavid Parker, director of human and robotic exploration, ESA (European Space Agency)Jeff Gramling, NASA Mars Sample Return Program directorJulie Townsend, sampling and caching operations lead, JPLChris Herd, returned sample science participating scientist, University of Alberta4 p.m. EDT (1 p.m. PDT) - Mars 2020 Mission Tech and Humans to Mars Briefing.

July 30, 2020.

NASA's The museum of science, art and human perception    At the Palace of Fine Arts, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems The agency is streaming live video from a clean room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, where engineers are assembling and testing the 2020 Mars rover.
Here’s the what, when, where and how of watching the launch from Earth. How to watch the Mars Perseverance Rover launch live.

The rover is lifting off from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida around 7:50 a.m. EDT on July 30, assuming the weather holds.

Perseverance is the fifth NASA rover to be sent to Mars, and will join its sibling, the Curiosity rover, in February 2021, when it completes its long space journey.

Speaking Wednesday from outside the Kennedy Space Centre, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said that due to Curiosity’s work, we know that Mars once had water and was capable of supporting life. A full list of the day’s events and livestreams to watch the launch can be

Post-launch coverage will continue until 11:30 a.m. EDT.

Part of NASA's long-term Mars Exploration Program, the mission has succeeded well beyond the hopes of its creators.

Live coverage will begin at 7 a.m. EDT, with the launch occurring just under an hour later.

LIVE, streaming video webcasts Aug. & Sept. 2012.

Participants include:Lori Glaze, NASA Planetary Science Division directorTanja Bosak, science team member, Massachusetts Institute of Technology2 p.m. EDT (11 a.m. PDT) - Mars 2020 Mars Sample Return Briefing.

Powered by a bank of solar cells on its upper surface, each MER has advanced communication capabilities that allow it to keep in touch with orbiting probes and directly with Earth.

Perseverance will land at the Red Planet's Jezero Crater a little after 3:40 p.m. EST (12:40 p.m. PST) on Feb. 18, 2021.

(NASA/JPL-Caltech) The launch may be in Florida, but anyone around the world can tune in. “This is the first time in history where we’re going to go to Mars with an explicit mission to find life on another world — ancient life on Mars,” he said.

“This is going to be an inspirational moment,” he said. Mars Science Laboratory - Curiosity Rover | NASA

The journey won’t be the hard part: arriving will.

June 13, 2018 NASA hosts a media teleconference to discuss a massive Martian dust storm affecting operations of the agency’s Opportunity rover and what scientists can learn from the various missions studying this unprecedented event. On March 12, 2013, The Exploratorium presented a series of more than twenty live webcasts, four of them in Spanish, that followed Curiosity’s landing and initial exploration of the red planet.

Participants include:Jeff Sheehy, chief engineer, NASA's Space Technology Mission DirectorateMichael Hecht, MOXIE principal investigator, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMiMi Aung, Ingenuity Mars Helicopter project manager, JPLAmy Ross, lead spacesuit engineer NASA's Johnson Space CenterMichelle Rucker, Mars Integration Group lead, NASA's Johnson Space CenterNoon EDT (9 a.m. PDT) - Administrator Briefing.
It's about the size of a car, has a seven-foot-long arm, carries 10 science instruments, 17 cameras and a laser to "vaporize" rocks.USA TODAY is providing live coverage of the discussion in the player above starting at 2 p.m. NASA has been posting commentary, extra pictures and details surrounding the launch

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