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You can see this in our under bridge test scene below.Other than the issue with under-saturating some colors, the Nokia 9 had good overall color rendering outdoors. Nokia 9 PureView, high-contrast scene Android 10 rollout started for Nokia 9 PureView July Security Update is Out.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC and a custom-designed co-processor combine the images for the final result. The PureView was never intended to be the world's most versatile smartphone camera but to deliver brilliant image quality on par with an expensive full-blown camera. Nokia Mobile started the rollout of a new update to Nokia 9 PureView users yesterday. Launched this spring, the Nokia 9 PureView drew immediate attention thanks to its unique five-camera main-camera design. RAW files give you much more headroom for opening up shadows, bringing back highlights, and applying just the right amount of sharpening and noise reduction.Nokia says they've worked closely with Adobe to fully support editing RAW data from the images taken on the phone.
Jointly developed with Silicon Valley imaging startup Light, and in cooperation with SoC vendor Qualcomm, the multi-camera module is strikingly different from others on the market. However, there are several factors which may affect the date you actually receive an update. We don't think the Nokia 9 can last you a whole day when taking occasional photos on vacation. It takes up to 20s for saving RAW+JPG and up to 10s for saving a JPG only. HMD Global has already started testing the new Android version on the Nokia 9 PureView which is likely to release towards the end of this year. This said, it is an upgrade from last year’s Nokia 8 – which scored 68 points overall – and also a slight improvement in photo quality over the dual-camera Nokia 8 Sirocco, upping it score from an 85 to 88 thanks to large gains in Bokeh, although it actually scored worse in many other categories, as well as in Video.While the Nokia 9 PureView offers an innovative and intriguing multi-camera architecture, and perhaps a glimpse of the future, it isn’t able to use its five-camera rear camera to distinguish itself when used in the default modes that we test, and that are the modes most users stick with. In particular, the implementation of video seems to be fairly generic, and doesn’t benefit in any way from the multiple cameras or computational imaging capability of technology partner Light.
It lacks a Night Mode and relies purely on its frame-stacking and processing. Given the promise of super-high-resolution composites from the five cameras, it would seem to make sense that zeroing in on a portion of the image would still yield plenty of detail. But images often suffered from a pinkish Detail preservation in bright outdoor conditions is one of the highlights of the Nokia 9’s photo performance, with even very fine textures rendered nicely.
The PureView camera is back with a bang! Nokia 9 PureView, crop And having said that, this is the only way you can get acceptable low-light photos.The Nokia 9 isn't a match for any flagship when it comes to night shots. Phones like P30 Pro or the Galaxy S10 can do similar if not better on Auto.The Nokia 9 offers 2x and 5x zoom, but zooming is done digitally. One particularly disappointing score was the Nokia 9’s Zoom score of 27. The 2x option just crops and upscales from the regular photo, while 5x crops and, well, forgets to upscale. The depth info is stored within the photo and Google Photos will allow you to change the amount of defocusing after the shoot.The video recording part of the camera is not as exciting, but the basics are covered - it can shoot 4K HDR videos at 30fps. To receive newsletters from DXOMARK, please enter your email address in the form below. "The images we exported this way had better detail, contrast, and colors than the regular JPEGs, but turned out to be much softer than they should be in reality.
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