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| Undeterred, Rafe turns up to meet Evelyn later. There's no dismissing the film, if only because it offers another long, loud example of how Hollywood remains the hagiographic spinmeister of American war history. Pearl Harbor Michael Bay estatubatuar zinema zuzendariaren gerra dramako film bat da, 2001ekoa.Izenburuak adierazten duenez, Bigarren Mundu Gerran jazotako Pearl Harborko erasoari buruzko filma da. Cinemark Pearl Harbor (Pu‘ola), v překladu "Perlový přístav", je přístav v laguně ostrova Oahu na Havaji.Většina přístavu a okolí je využívána jako námořní základna Námořnictva Spojených států amerických.Nachází se zde i velitelství americké pacifické flotily. Rafe is having some injections in his bottom, courtesy of pretty nurse Evelyn (Kate Beckinsale). Just confirm how you got your ticket.Fandango May 27, 2014 Drama, The raid killed 2,403 people, and dragged the United States into World War II. All of which are even more bad for you than smoking. I guess what made it ineffective is that it's trying too hard to present several viewpoints concerning this World War 2 chronicle which makes it hard for each of those minor stories to seep through the audience's consciousness. The effect of watching a Michael Bay film is indistinguishable from having a large, pointy lump of rock drop on your head. For some reason he decides this would be an ideal moment to ask her out. Also, the pacing is incredibly slow, dragging on and on interminably at times. By creating an account, you agree to the Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. The 40 minute action sequence is … Many of the mistakes are minor, but if you add together the embellished battle sequences, the flimsy caricatures of real historical figures, the tin ear for period dialogue, and the weird fantasy version of 1940s America where no one smokes or is racist, you end up with a very peculiar war.Michael Bay's WW2 blockbuster shows how the Americans bombed Tokyo to resolve a love triangle between Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett and Kate Beckinsale'Pearl Harbor sucked, and I miss you' ... sorry, different movie. November 11, 2019

This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. Binge Central The faces the filmmakers plaster on their characters are as flat and stereotyped as those on war-recruitment posters. View All Photos (76) We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Regal By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.Fandango | May 28, 2014 The only things good about Pearl Harbor are the action scenes that are surely over the top and the cast's good acting. Featuring Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale, Jon Voight, Jennifer Garner, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Alec Baldwin, the film has an all-star cast. As impressive as the physical verisimilitude is, it only accentuates the contrast with the banalities of a script that lacks any fully developed characters. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers.They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating.They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. ... sensationalizing real events for a meaningless film, then coasting on a huge budget and advertising to lure in moviegoers thinking they'll see historic accuracy and drama. Pride And, the special effects and battle sequences are extraordinarily well-done, as is the score by Hans Zimmer. | Rating: 2/4 We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Theater box office or somewhere else Anyway, here's Ben Affleck. Cue some scenes in Britain, a cold place full of beer, stately homes, and obsequious officers who spend all their time telling Americans how wonderful they are at fighting wars.

Bearing in mind that the armed forces were actually increasing segregation in their hospitals at the time, this is hard to credit.) Together, they enlist in the US Air Force and soon enough they both become involved with the same woman. The real Miller was a stand-out figure at Pearl Harbor. Rank Michael Bay’s 10 Biggest Box Office Hits | Cinemark All rights reserved. Just leave us a message Please reference “Error Code 2121” when contacting customer service.Pearl Harbor tries to be the Titanic of war movies, but it's just a tedious romance filled with laughably bad dialogue.

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