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The Paranormal Activity Virtual Reality Game will be the scariest experience of your life.

Aaa that explanes it, i put all the coin on the floor and was like what now... You say there is a drawer that can be opened? I cant open anymore doors and ive explored the entire house as far as I can. Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul (VR) - PS4. 1 Coin next to the Goat Skull, 1 Coin next to the candle on a small shelf literally next to to door, 1 coin in the drawer underneath the Pentagram, 1 Coin on the shelf of the pentagram to the right and 1 on the left of the Pentagram. Nach dem Tutorial sind Sie auf sich alleine gestellt. I found all of the other 5 Ritual Items and even 4 of the 6 other items.

This is a great game and Im having a lot of fun playing it and would like to finish the game but I need the Birth Certificate. Average Rating: (0.0) stars out of 5 stars Write a review. its hiding in there.

I followed a walkthrough and did every single thing the person did and it still doesnt spawn.

did you check on the shelf next to a candle by the door?did you check on the shelf next to a candle by the door?did you find the document by the ram skull?

I spent 15 minutes in that room trying to find that coin, without success. Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul > General Discussions > Topic Details. Pickup not available. I followed a walkthrough and did every single thing the person did and it still doesnt spawn. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved.

© Valve Corporation. PlayStation VR no longer required.

This original story, based on the mythology of the massively popular PARANORMAL ACTIVITY film franchise, features our proprietary scare engine allowing a … Please help and thank you. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. NOW PLAYABLE ON BOTH PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR. Mit unserer Raumskala und unserem immersiven Bewegungs-Rollenspiel-System (IMRS) bewegen Sie sich frei durch die Umgebung. Is this a bug or is there a hidden 5th coin somewhere? You freely walk through the environment using Room Scale combined with our Immersive Movement Role-play System (IMRS).

Mature. first thing you need to do is Feed The Fire. Google didn't help.

Where is it? I have a Rift and am playing in SteamVR.

Cant wait for more content :) Keep up the good work! Or get it by Thu, Aug 6 with faster delivery. I have spent 1.5 hours here and cannot find another coin. Qty: Free delivery. I have done the game from the start to where the little girl gets dragged out of the Attic at least 5 times and I never find the Birth Certificate. Now it wants me to put the coins on the table, but I can only find 4 of the 5 :( The very first it wants me to put down is missing (pentagon shape with inner circle). NOW AVAILABLE IN BOTH VR AND NON-VR - BUY NOW - "I think the future of Horror is based around VR, and . Arrives by Friday, Aug 7. © Valve Corporation. After restarting the game I was able to open the drawer with the 5th coin, thanks! I'm still seeing the same issues now that the game is finally released out of EA. BUY NOW. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.thanks for the great support. Thank you so much I found it.

Coming 2016 to HTC Vive, Oculus, and PlaystationVR. Same here,cant find 5th coin anywhere.Maybe this is a bug?Door is closed so no change to go back. Paranormal Activity. 52. I'm in the room with the pentagram and burned the paper. Thanks again. you'll figure it out. Now it wants me to put the coins on the table, but I can only find 4 of the 5 :( The very first it wants me to put down is missing (pentagon shape with inner circle). More delivery & pickup options. !

I have done the game from the start to where the little girl gets dragged out of the Attic at least 5 times and I never find the Birth Certificate. I'm in the room with the pentagram and burned the paper. This has been the absolute greatest experience I have had with VR so far. I walk in the room and there are 2 coins on the table, 1 coin near the ram skull and 1 coin on the shelf near the candle on the floor. Synge. Open the drawer of the table where the book and skull are. I have found all 5 coins and when I put the coins where it tells me to and nothing happens....What did I do wrong? the items move when we release new updates, and in the final version it will be on randomizer. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Been checking all videos on youtube and most are a month old but all start with 3 coins on the table but i only have two! $48.52 $ 48. It is not wrong to ask and I left a very positive review! Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul (VR) - PS4 at I found all of the other 5 Ritual Items and even 4 of the 6 other items. I read that it can spawn in the Little Girl's Room but I cant find it there either. Thanks for the support.Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.did you check the drawer at the table? After the tutorial, you're on your own. GO TO THE MASTER BEDROOM. For some reason the Birth Certificate never spawns. So I quit playing shortly after the game came out because the frustrating part was there was no way to get back to the menu to exit the game, no real save system and everything reset when you reloaded the game. This original story, based on the mythology of the massively popular PARANORMAL ACTIVITY film franchise, is built from the ground up for VR. The last room I was in was that little girls room with all the toys everywhere. Hope this helps.

did you look at the book above the table? Mar 15, 2017 @ 8:16am A little help? Is the Library the only place it spawns? this is where the other coin is.

For some reason the Birth Certificate never spawns. So I am stuck in the game.

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