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Water fits in with the traditional Japanese tiger meaning as a connection to nature, however the design of the animal itself is much truer to life than the historical depictions. Lotus flowers are seen in Asian cultures as a symbol of purity and enlightenment. A unique take on a tattoo sleeve, the design splits between the chest, shoulder, and arm. Slinking and moving through the darkness, a stealthy Bright colors and deep outlines make this particular design. Using different elements of mysticism from across the Asian continent, Japanese tigers are both ferocious and catlike, making the design of the tigers unique. The furious Bengal tiger is greatly incorporated into the whole scene.
Get inspired! Japanese tigers often get paired with aspects of nature to reference the spiritual nature of the tiger. Another nod to Himalayan artwork, the extreme nature of this small Japanese tiger tattoo comes across. As protector of the jungle, the tiger is territorial and assertive. A unique placement on the pelvis, this same Japanese tiger tattoo would work on the upper back. Going for a black and white look helps to make the expression of the tiger stand out in this small Japanese tiger tattoo. Creeping along, the crouching posture of the fearsome beast reflects the movement of the clouds and waves in the scene. Surrounded by clouds, the tiger on the thigh partners with the dragon on the calf to bring about the change in weather. See more ideas about Japanese tiger tattoo, Tiger tattoo, Japanese tiger. ionSometimes, you just want a black and white look. It is truly the intensity of the eyes that strike fear into the hearts of those who would look upon it. Claws extended, the tiger is ready to maul anything in its path. The tiger is coming up over the back as though he is looking over the shoulder, a protector of the person. Striking colors and the ferocious snarl of the tiger bring life to the piece. Using several different elements, this Japanese tiger tattoo sleeve is a fantastic work of art. The curves and abstract look of the tiger fits with the traditional artwork. Truly, a traditional Japanese tiger tattoo design; the tiger and dragon are two This Japanese tiger tattoo seems ready to burst off the arm as it surges out of the brush. Combined with the power and regal nature of the tiger, this Japanese tiger tattoo design shows two important aspects of Japanese culture. Apr 4, 2019 - Explore kokseng69's board "Japanese Tiger Tattoo" on Pinterest. Seeing the opposing flowers and colors, there is a reflection of yin and yang. Going for a black and white look with this tattoo makes you search for the details and take time to appreciate the design. From the samurai sword to the representation of the tiger as cat-like, the Japanese tiger artwork is evident. This Japanese tiger back tattoo takes the idea of spirit animal to a whole new level. The muscular power of the tiger is evident through the strong lines of the design. Using the red and white in the design also makes the connection back to the Japanese flag. A blend of colors and neutral space, this highly stylized tiger makes a huge statement. This same tattoo would work as part of a sleeve or forearm piece.Green and yellow eyes make the gaze of this Japanese tiger tattoo drawing truly terrifying. Given the intimate placement, it is almost as if the tiger is daring someone to come closer with his ferocious growl. Bright colors add to the overall effect of the piece. In this design, it is easy to see by the look of the stripes that the Japanese based their tiger artwork on pelts rather than the real animal. Motion and movement come through in this pouncing Japanese tiger tattoo design. Looks Like Candy | Best Trends in Makeup, Hair, Nails and Tattoos Working together as a team, they are one and possess the same qualities of strength, stealth, and mystery. A given is the expression of the tiger in mid-attack, but this goes beyond the face.
Adding bright purple colors complements the water, while contrasting in an artistic way with the orange. While this is a smaller Japanese tiger tattoo, the placement on the upper back works. Several traditional Japanese tiger tattoo elements are present in this design. From the backdrop of swirling sky, lush jungle, and crashing waves to the brightness of the tiger itself the craftsmanship cannot be denied.
Deep lines and shading make the tiger seem alive without any need for color.
This design, while it fits with the Japanese tiger tattoo drawing style, makes the connection back to the ancient Chinese lore. The rest is clearly the tiger roaring forth in anger. The colors of these flowers also work with the bright orange of the tiger. The shadows accentuates every aspect of the tiger and makes it even more frightening. Then remove the Talisman Tiger Leap design and then put into a Natural colors cloth. The colors are bright and intense, as is the expression of the snarling tiger. See more ideas about Japanese tiger, Tiger design, Tiger tattoo. They are great and…Find art stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
The stormy winds, cresting waves, and the skull in the ocean all connect back to the ancient lore of the tiger.
It is also interesting to note the spots on the tiger, as historic The facial structure and posture of this tiger shows the Japanese tendency to go more house cat than jungle cat in their depictions. The intensity of the tiger is emphasized in the extension of the whiskers and the colors of the eyes. Even down to the placement of the tail near the actual tailbone, giving the appearance of the tail belonging to the tattoo owner, the tiger and man are one. This Japanese tiger back tattoo gives the appearance of the tiger suddenly bursting through the jungle, perhaps to protect it against some threat. Additionally, the depth of the colors heightens the overall feeling of the tattoo. Using different elements of mysticism from across the Asian continent, Japanese tigers are both ferocious and catlike, making the design of the tigers unique.
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