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Ronny warns Chiara for Susanne.
Richard and Niclas have a hidden competition during a promotion for the ice show. Friction between Richard and Simone.
Pacho assaults his son Alexander when Maximilian rejects his doubtful offer again. Richard and Vanessa talk about their father-daughter relationship. Mo and Ronny track the coordinates Chiara has send. Jenny replaces Marie with ice skater Megan Robins. Deniz refuses to talk with Marie for Jenny who wants to keep her for the ice show. Steffi and Ingo are disappointed when at the quiet lake friends show up. Statt in Richtung der Fans grüßte er diesmal mit beiden Fäusten die vierköpfige Hertha-Delegation, die im fast leeren Stadion. Simone doesn't accept Maximilian. Michelle and Mo argue because he doesn't take his recovery serious. Michelle's performance is bad because competitor Chiara makes her unsure. Steffi organizes a game night to cheer Ingo up. Simone tries to convince Jenny that she was always behind her sports career. Richard makes her clear that he is the patent holder of the product that could save their firm. An accident makes Ronny's good gesture almost undone.
Envious Ingo drinks beer with Sören during a good talk. Vanessa decides to distract herself from the paternity test case.
Ingo warns Marie: choreographer Niclas is never satisfied. Despite of setbacks Finn tries to stay optimistic. But Svenja stays his partner. Niclas becomes unwell again.
Marie jumps over her shadow but Deniz blames her for his business flop. Michelle is back home but is not allowed to skate; Mo cheers her up. Richard is publicly accused of racism but Simone visits Mo for a talk instead of Richard. Ronny seeks Chiara. Vanessa and Simone care for Jenny who is knocked out by a mental breakdown. Simone sees that Jenny is hurt and announces she withdraws herself from the boardroom. Steffi and Ingo hear a wolf's haul in the city. Nathalie fails in making Finn jealous; absentminded she blunders at the cost of Finn. Simone and Niclas prepare their 'date' to save the Center. Marie and Jenny compete to get him. Michelle persuades Isabelle to seek the lost campers; a race against time because Finn's sepsis needs to be treated. Simone gets a fright when Henry has the same condition. Ingo gets the impression that he blocks a good relation between Steffi and Sören. Because of tension between him and Richard, Niclas packs his bags to move out.
Simone is ignored by the family and Vanessa still blames her. Alexander states towards Lena and Marian that they're not his parents because they quarrel all the time. Mo tries to convince Jonas to allow donation of his mom's organs. Deniz talks with Richard about confessing his deceit to Jenny. Ben discovers that Ingo has spent the ... Isabelle ist unter Druck. When Ben, Ingo and Marian are watching it on TV a power failure occurs. Simone explains her exaggerated behavior by telling Vanessa that she still has feelings for Niclas. Ingo and Marian feel neglected by their women; they treat themselves with a men's night with Ben. Christoph and Maximilian play a game to get shared partnership with Carlos. Michelle and Mo are glad when the donor heart appears to be compatible. Finn vainly tries to take distance from Isabelle. Rate. Michelle and Chiara compete for the second leading part. Lena and Marian have a lot of things to do; can friends help them? Als Jenny erfährt, dass sie von David schwanger ist, möchte sie das Kind loswerden doch dann kommt Jennys Schwester Vanessa Steinkamp dahinter und redet Jenny ins Gewissen und … 'Niclas is here to stay' is what Simone learns today. Dabei wird es ein Sommer voller großer Gefühle und ganz viel Liebe. Marie wants an injection to make her wounded shoulder fit for the ice show. Jenny suspects her to be Deniz' bed partner. Jenny informs personnel: the show will go on.
Remembering their affair Simone and Niclas makes Richards believe that they had only a one-night-stand.
For Richard it doesn't feel good to be with Simone. Ronny's date turns into a disaster. Jenny prepares Marie to resist her persuading mother Simone. Vanessa gets nervous because she soon might be the head of the physicians' successor. Alles was zählt Ganze Folgen ... Sie ist die Mama von Baby Nils . She risks a permanent injury to win.
Isabelle wants to give Pumpwerk a makeover; Lena has to choose between work and family. Ein Baby für Ben Steinkamp?
Finn joins the operations team and in secret injects a drug into his arm against the tremor.
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