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If you already have the Confluence Cloud app installed, you would need to consent to app update. - A link to the Confluence page is added at the bottom of the event description - we recommend this to give all meeting participants immediate access to the Agenda and Meeting Minutes. Here’s a guide on how to do this:, every user needs access to Confluence Cloud with an own user• Create a Confluence page for your meeting request, a link is added• Add agenda items, a duration for each item and speaker in an easy-to-use sidebar• Collaboratively add and change talking points with your team in Outlook• See the latest version of the agenda in Outlook or Confluence• Quickly access the relevant Confluence page via Outlook• Easy and intuitive UX takes the hassle out of agenda planning• Outlook helps promote adoption of the agenda planning process, colleagues can work on their home turf• Confluence serves as the single source of truth for your meeting information

If you have updates available in the App Store, you can either click Update All or click Update on individual items. This way you can quickly move all your project files from your Dropbox , OneDrive , or Box account to Confluence … App properties; Confluence content properties. Confluence is team collaboration software that changes how modern teams work. All you need to do is to set the cycle of this add-on to feature the most outdated content every 24 hours starting at 9 am. Install the Confluence Cloud app from Microsoft Teams app store. - All event details such as date, time, location, attendees and description are copied for you to the Confluence Page by the Meetical for Confluence App. Please note: To use this add-in, your Confluence administrator has to configure Confluence Cloud first. Go to any team where app is installed, go to Apps section and click on Confluence Cloud to give permission to update the app … • Create a Confluence page for your meeting request, a link is added • Plan a meeting agenda directly in Outlook • Add agenda items, a duration for each item and speaker in an easy-to-use sidebar • Collaboratively add and change talking points with your team in Outlook • See the latest version of the agenda in Outlook or Confluence Celebrate with your team in real-time using inline, page, and file comments. If you don't want this button to display in mobile web, you'll need to disable the entire Confluence Mobile plugin, which is required to use the mobile app. Tapping this prompt will open the app, if they have it installed, or take them to the App or Play store to download it.

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