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I won’t be going to Es Trenc again as I have found other better alternative arrangementsThis part of Majorca used to be a paradise. There are not enough bathrooms, the number of beach bars, hammocks and umbrellas has been drastically reduced and tons of garbage is accumulating,” he says. Water are … After being fitted for a bike, you’ll head out, cycling through the city while your guide teaches you all about Cadiz and its history.
“Tourists have complained repeatedly in recent years and now they ask about the state of the beach before they make a reservation.
“The Government is obliged to guarantee the conservation of the beach and we are working to protect it because scientific studies show that the The content of comment is the opinion of users and netizens and not of Comments contrary to laws, which are libellous, illegal or harmful to others are not permitted');Please remember that you are responsible for everything that you write and that data which are legally required can be made available to the relevant public authorities and courts; these data being name, email, IP of your computer as well as information accessible through the systems.Maybe NOW with this COVID-19 virus issue is concerned, the Majorcan Government will sit up and take note that us tourists with our Euros contribute to the coffers of this fine island and will require us from Northern Europe to return and provide the funding to help an economy which is surely almost on it's kneesPut a vote out to the thousands of unemployed for their opinion ?No doubt the politicians are still being paid wages ? Platja d'es Trenc Suchen Update zu COVID-19 : Sehenswürdigkeiten sind unter Umständen ganz oder teilweise geschlossen, um die Verbreitung des Coronavirus einzudämmen. “The beach at Es Trenc has gone from being a tourist attraction and the base of the economy to being a big problem,” according to the President of the Hotel Association of Colònia de Sant Jordi, Pau Bonet. 11:43. Please choose a different date.Would you recommend this place or activity to a friend looking for an This beach is accessible both from Colonia sant Jordi,Sa Rapida and signs for Es Trenc. 5 251 Reviews #3 of 19 things to do in Majorca. Dank des weichen, zuckerartigen, goldenen Sandes und des makellosen, flachen Wassers ist dies ein beliebter Strand für Familien. Mallorca 2020 Playa Es Trenc 2020 #mallorca #playa #estrenc #travel #holidays #palmademallorca - Duration: 11:43. Make sure to bring a camera: there will be plenty of chances to stop for photos along the way.Let the world see your experience through your eyes.Ask fellow travellers and attraction managers your top questions.Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date(s) you selected. Platja d'es Trenc. If this situation is not corrected, we will have serious problems,” he said.The President of the Hotel Association also claims that the The Mayor of ses Salines, Juan Rodríguez, says that’s hurting the economy.“This situation is affecting bars and restaurants in Colònia de Sant Jordi,” he says, “we used to have quality, family oriented tourism, and now the situation has been reversed and much of that is because of the Management of the beach at Es Trenc.”Both the Hotel Association and the City Council are urging the Ministry of Environment to provide Managementat "The natural park is a total nonsense," says Pau Bonet, who claims a large number of services have been eliminated.“The management only offers services for about 1,000 people, when in reality around 12,000 go to es Trenc every summer. Until the public wake up and realise their beautiful island is being destroyed by these people , nothing will change. Mallorca Secrets 1,641 views.
The last time I visited Es Trenc was 3 years ago. Discover the multicultural heritage of Andalusia on a walking tour of Jerez, complete with visits to the city’s two most important landmarks. Best of 2020 ; Help Centre ; Platja d'es Trenc, Campos: Address, Platja d'es Trenc Reviews: 4/5. Putting it this way, I have been coming to Majorca, twice a year since 2001. Featuring pool views, Es Trenc offers accommodation with an outdoor swimming pool and a patio, around 8 km from the villa Beach.
Please choose a different date.Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date(s) you selected. Europe ; Spain ; Balearic Islands ; Majorca ; Campos ; Things to do in Campos ; Platja d'es Trenc; Search. The ministers are saying they don't want cheap holidaymakers yet you are still building as in Camp De Mar and creating too much hotel capacity. "We are not against the Natural Park, Mayor Rodriguez points out, “but the management, has turned out to be The Minister of Medi Ambient, Miquel Mir, disagrees with Mr Bonet and Mayor Rodriguez.”The beach is managed better now than it ever was and nobody has contacted me to complain,” he insists. Platja d'es Trenc. 5,263 Reviews #3 of 19 things to do in Majorca.
... For bookings made on or after 6 April 2020, we advise you to consider the risk of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and associated government measures. If you don’t book a flexible rate, you may not be entitled to a refund. Now it is ruined and overbuilt. The walk from Colonia is about 40-45mins and from Sa Rapida- 20mins.
Hoteliers are complaining that reservations for summer 2020 have plummeted by 25% and claim it’s because the beaches in Campos have deteriorated to such a dreadful state since the creation of the Es Trenc-Salobrar Natural Park three years ago. Most of them seem to have their own , petty projects and care about nothing else. Far too many of the so called managers and politicians can talk the talk , but because they have very little experience or common sense , they cannot walk the walk.
This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of Explore Cadiz by bike with a local guide to show you around with this bike tour. The beautiful beaches and rocky shores of the Malgrats Islands lie just off the coast of Rotes Velles. On this half-day cruise, set sail around the islands and spend the …
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