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:cherry_blossom: WHAT I USED :cherry_blossom: Too bad he is a father of a young girl and therefore out of his reach, right? Range from M to E, multiple pairings in a number of kinky situations and scenarios.Trafalgar Law at 16 is adopted by Donquixote Rocinante, a police officer, after losing his entire family in a car accident.Can Law get along with her? Add More Info : pencil soft and pastel soft RELATED: One Piece: 5 Crews That Can Rival Rocks Pirates ( 5 That Can't) For this, they've allied with the likes of the Straw Hat Pirates among many others. Although much about this crew remains unknown, some of its members are very powerful. Hola a todos en la comunidad, hoy les presentos 4 esculturas en proseso. Could he see her as a little sister, or maybe something else?Luffy is crushing instantly on the handsome stranger when he first lays eyes on him. Bepo (One Piece) Ikkaku (One Piece) Kaya (One Piece) Clione (One Piece) Jean Bart; Sengoku the Buddha; Tony Tony Chopper; Boa Hancock; Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates; Donquixote Doflamingo; Hannyabal (One Piece) Summary. Going from the day after Minion Island to suddenly waking up within weeks after Wano in a ship he doesn't remember with a crew he doesn't know, how will the Heart Pirates deal with this? A Soul Reaper is able to harness the power of the zanpakuto by learning its name and forming a synergistic unit.

Nami has lived in the world of crime since she was a child, she doesn't trust anyone and she is not trustworthy, but her biggest flaws are heroin addiction and deceit, can she make an alliance with Law without problems?A series of NSFW flash fics based on prompts and pairings submitted to me on Tumblr. Heart Pirates Ikkaku One Piece. ウソップの、これはホントだ! グレッグ先生のsuper「op」講座! ゾロのお悩み三刀両断. After traveling 20 years forward in time, she worked as a tea … Les traigo para mostrarles a Ikkaku madarame de bleach, al Kratos del God of War, el indio solari en estilo caricatura, y a luffy de one piece El primero es ikkaku, aca se lo ve pintado de blanco y con muchos detalles para terminar, es solo la cabeza, pero tengo pensado en hacerlo de cuerpo entero en el momento de su bankai ( los que miraron bleach deben saber de que les hablo) アニメ『one piece』の現場から. :art: Brushes :art: And when they're together they become an unstoppable a force of nature.On a seemingly innocent island, the Straw Hats and Law, hear of a haunted mansion on top of the hill just out of the town.

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The zanpakuto, its unique shape and abilities are defined by its Soul Reaper. Later on, it was revealed that Kaku was a member of CP9, operating undercover in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg. January 13. ↑ One Piece-Manga - De Flamingo taucht auf (Band 70) - Kapitel 700 ~ Law erzählt über den Verbleib seiner Crew. Ikkaku . One Piece (stylized as ONE PIECE) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda.It has been serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since July 1997, with its individual chapters compiled into 96 tankōbon volumes as of April 2020.The story follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body gained the properties of rubber after …

Whether fate was involved or not, his meeting with Bepo - and, by extension, those brats Shachi and Penguin - changed everything for the better (and sometimes for the worse). Pencil soft and pastel soft Excited to explore: Luffy, Zoro, Robin, Chopper, and Franky go off to check out the mansion. It does not assume familiarity with the game.Trafalgar Law had been a pirate for so long that he struggled to remember his former life (and his parents, and Lami). Read our :blossom: :rose: :blossom: :rose: :blossom: hewwo OPA :blossom: :rose: :blossom: :rose: :blossom:

The little girls seems to have something different in mind though.In other words: Law is a daddy and his daughter is the best wingman.A challenge hosted by Doctorgerth and Laws-yellow-Submarine on Tumblr. 65.4% . Lost in a part of the New World even Gol D. Roger hardly ever ventured into, Law makes sure his crew stays safe as he heads onto an unfamiliar island for supplies that they're now sorely lacking.

Kikunojo of the Lingering Snow, more commonly referred to as O-Kiku, is a samurai from Wano Country and a retainer for the Kozuki Family, serving as one of Kozuki Oden's Nine Red Scabbards. Please consider turning it on! One Piece + Bleach Crossover. People also love these ideas. I... People really be sleeping on her Im just a gay lil shi* Like all the other members of the Heart Pirates, she wears a boiler suit with the crew's Jolly Roger imprinted on the left breast. Voting has ended . While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Like all the other members of the Heart Pirates, she wears a boiler suit with the crew's Jolly Roger imprinted on the left breast.When the Beasts Pirates, led by Jack, invaded Zou in search for Raizo, the Heart Pirates fought alongside the Mink Tribe.After Law arrived at Zou around a week later, the Heart Pirates happily reunited with their captain when he came into the Whale Forest.That night, the Heart Pirates briefly met and greet The next day, the Heart Pirates, some of the Straw Hats, The Heart Pirates later infiltrated Wano Country.

Saved by Maria.

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