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Descubra os 24 episódios da 2ª temporada da série The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Certificate: 15 07.23.2020 | 48s . 15-year-old Amy wrestles with an unplanned pregnancy.Amy's life is turned upside down when she discovers that she is pregnant.Ricky continues to look for more from his relationship with Amy.Amy is scared her secret may be revealed to her parents.Adrian s mother encourages Adrian to have a relationship with her father.Adrian is missing which prompts her dad to get involved in her life.S1 E12 - The Secret Wedding of the American TeenagerAmy and Ben make a rushed decision that could change their lives.Adrian's father tries to find out who is behind the fake I.D.s.George is approached by his co-worker about possibly adopting Amy's baby.Amy's parents interview potential adoptive parents for the baby.Amy's friends come up with a plan to help Amy's decision about the baby.Grace thinks her actions are to blame for her dad's death.Ricky intervenes when Grace isolates herself from her friends and family.George and Ashley attempt to help Amy with her hectic schedule.Amy tries to find a way to accompany Ben on his trip.Amy discovers her summer is going to be filled with working and school.Adrian and Amy's fighting escalates and Ricky intervenes.Amy is jealous when Ashley gets her own room in the garageGrace and Jack hit a roadblock in their relationship.The gang ditches school causing the school counselor to chase them down.Anne runs into an ex-boyfriend and Amy is attracted to his son.George tries to win Anne back, while Ben and Grace connect.Amy is concerned when Jimmy doesn't call her so she seeks Ricky's help.Gossip is spreading fast which causes people to make revelations.In the season premiere Adrian copes with the news from last season.Everyone rallies around Amy so she can attend the music program.Ricky moves into the Juergens' house to take care of John.Everyone is finding out about Adrian's decision, except Amy.Ben goes to New York to visit Amy and finally tell her the news.Amy reaches out to Adrian and Ricky asks Ruben for help.Ashley is torn between her feelings for Ricky and Grant.Ricky visits Amy in New York, and Ben goes with Adrian for a sonogram.Ben gets fired from the butcher shop after an altercation with Ricky.Ricky agrees to take Amy on a date to see if there are still sparks.Anne and Amy suspect George is cheating, Ricky and Amy go out on a date.Ricky has a surprise visitor show up on his doorstep.Ben considers proposing to Adrian while Grace and Grant discuss next steps.Ashley continues with her home schooling and Ben proposes.George is lonely without Anne and shows interest in Ricky's mom.Ricky is hesitant about Amy moving in and tries to find a way out!Ashley continues her trip, and Betty tries to get Adrian to open up.George gives Ashley an ultimatum about returning home.Adrian decides to empty out the nursery to help deal with her feelings.Ricky has an interview with a local college but it doesn't go as planned.Amy tries to convince Ricky to take her to the senior dance.Adrian changes her mind about Ben and sets her targets on someone else.Jack uses a school project to get close to Grace again.Ben and Dylan get closer; Amy reveals she isn't in a rush to get married.Amy decides to go to summer school instead of work.Amy, Lauren and Madison's dads arrange a dinner for their daughters.George is convinced Anne has feelings for someone close to him.Kathleen tries to bribe Grace into speaking with Jacob.Grace continues to shun Adrian, while Amy and Ricky return from eloping.Everybody has their own ideas on what kind of wedding should be thrown.At Ricky's first day of college he runs into an old friend.Ben and Amy have a heart to heart about the status of their relationship.Jack is still in the hospital, and Ricky confides in George.The gang find themselves celebrating Christmas at a toy warehouse.Ricky and Amy confide in Dr. Fields about their feelings on the future.George tells Amy that it is time to come clean about the marriage.After the shooting Jack finally reaches out to Dr. Fields.Amy tries to figure out the financials of going to Hudson.Ben offers to help find an apartment for Ricky, John and Amy in New York.Watch Every Episode Of The Secret Life Of The American Teenager For Free On FreeformShailene Woodley's Best Moments On The Secret Life of the American Teenager 24. However, it is after one hormonal-driven night at Band Camp, that she is faced with a responsibility no 15-year-old wants to take; being a teen mom. 10 Years. 15 year old Amy ends up pregnant after one night at band camp, throwing her whole life upside down. [1] La serie … - Amy kommt nun als "Senior" an ihre Schule zurück.

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