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He became one of the Shichibukai during the timeskip, but his position was revoked for allying with the Straw Hat Pirates and bringing down Donquixote Doflamingo. In the cave, Law was close to death from the syndrome, but managed to figure out how to use his new Devil Fruit powers to remove the lead from his body. While they were distracted, Law escaped them undetected thanks to Rosinante's ability and walked away weeping over Rosinante's demise.Law protecting Bepo from being bullied by Shachi and Penguin.Law walked for three days to Swallow Island without resting, and he came to a village. Law then told them his full name, Trafalgar D. Water Law. Baby 5 and Buffalo told Law their real names and asked Law to reveal his. Breed 3. Trafalgar D. Water Law, mais comumente conhecido como apenas Trafalgar Law ( ト ラ フ ァ ル ガ ー ・ ロ ー Torafarugā Rō) e por seu epíteto como o "Cirurgião da Morte", é um pirata do North Blue e capitão e médico dos Piratas do Coração. The hoodie has his In Oda's depiction of the Supernovas post-timeskip, he seems to have lost the fur rim of his hat, and replaced it with a thick bill, turning it into a rather spherical hat resembling a Wool Skipper. The Donquixote Pirates would loot, attack, make business deals, fight and toast during their time together. Law offered for them to become his subordinates, to which they agreed, and Wolf agreed to let them stay in his house.Law and his crew fought their way through the Grand Line and eventually reached the Sabaody Archipelago.Like the other Supernovas, he was first shown having arrived at the Archipelago with his crew before heading for the New World. He was infected by the Amber lead (a ore contains disease) but Corazon saved his life and cure him by eating Ope Ope no Mi. and by his epithet as the "Surgeon of Death", is a pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. Corazon subsequently lost his patience and force-fed the fruit to Law. He has short dark hair, a majority of which is obscured by his hat, save for his sideburns and small goatee.He has many tribal-style tattoos on his arms; on both of his hands are letters spelled as He is seen wearing a yellow hoodie, with black sleeves and black hood.

1. Luckily, the distraction of But before his vessel could fully submerge, Buggy, who was convinced by After a little while, he and his crew saw Silvers Rayleigh took down a sea king and swam ashore. Afterwards, he passed out.While he was sleeping, Law was discovered by an old inventor named A month later, Law and Bepo saw an explosion in the forest, and they found Shachi and Penguin, who had been severely injured in a boar attack. Él fue uno de los llamados Once Supernovas, piratas novatos cuyas recompensas rebasan los 100 millones de berries y un ex Shichibukai tras el Timeskip de dos años. Corazon then proudly showed Law the Ope Ope no Mi. Suddenly, Law was picked up and carried away by Corazon.When at a safe distance, Corazon, speaking for the first time, asked if that was really his full name.

To his relief, Corazon denied being a Marine.

Law expressed concern and rolled him over to see that his entire front was riddled with bullets. He then told his men to follow his orders in order for him to "steal the proper throne", to which his crew happily rejoiced. He handed Law a secret letter and asked him to deliver it to the Marines.Law then took the letter with him and delivered it to Shortly after, Rosinante placed Law into a treasure chest and told him to stay hidden in it. He placed a Calm field around the boy so no one could hear him and promised Law that he would survive while telling the boy that he loved him. Corazon left Law sitting in a corner of an abandoned village while he went to steal the Devil Fruit. Shachi and Penguin thanked Law's group and revealed that they had no place to go after being orphaned and abused. Corazon then explained that if he was really a Law and Corazon then spoke in private, as Corazon revealed that he was never mute and created a Sometime after these events, Corazon later took Law with him to find a cure for the Amber Lead Syndrome, much to his dismay. He is a friendly rival towards Luffy but only hostile towards Eustass Kid. At that moment, Doflamingo suddenly contacted them via Den Den Mushi.After checking to see how their search was going, Doflamingo told Corazon of his plan to steal the As Corazon made contact with the Marines, Law started succumbing to his illness.

Law waited for him to return while combatting his illness.Corazon managed to steal the fruit and despite his wounds, he returned to Law.

Law is a slim man of a relatively tall height. He had Wolf give the boys a blood transfusion while he worked on using his powers to reattach Penguin's severed arm. He lived there with his parents, who were doctors and were likewise training him, and his younger sister. He has faint shadows right under his yellow eyes (grey in the anime), and his face is usually seen with a smirk. "Trafalgar D. Water Law" has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest.Law's color-scheme in the manga before the timeskip. He asked Corazon if he was working for the government. Trafalgar Law, de son vrai nom Trafalgar D. Water Law, est le Capitaine et Docteur de L'Équipage du Heart, un équipage pirate constitué surtout de docteurs. Law was born in the country of Flevance in the North Blue, which was known as the \"White City\" for the color of the Amber Lead that was mined there.

Before they left the island, they were under fire by the Marines led by Tsuru. He was the final Supernova to be introduced, seen sitting on a crate as Later, Eustass Kid observed him in the Auction House on Grove 1, where he revealed that he heard about very unpleasant things about Law. His goatee has become somewhat scruffier, and his right hand now also has the fingers tattooed. Baby 5 found the name boring, causing Law to lash out at her and scare the girl again. Law claimed that his father was the best doctor in Flevance, and the man was responsible for educating Law in medical science.

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