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Copyright 2020 by WPLG - All rights reserved.The Emmy Award-winning journalist joined the Local 10 News team in 2013. These are external links and will open in a new windowTributes have been paid to video games streamer Byron Bernstein, known as Reckful, who died on Thursday.Mr Bernstein was a well-known and loved e-sports player and had 960,000 followers on streaming site Twitch.His brother Gary Bernstein confirmed that Reckful had taken his own life, aged 31.Twitch said Reckful was a "streaming pioneer" and that it was "devastated" to hear of his death.Mr Bernstein had built his following in part by playing World Of Warcraft. He was 31. "He left in a similar way as my older brother Guy. RIP," Gary wrote of the Austin, Texas-based gamer.
He was 31. When his death was reported on Thursday evening, fans held virtual memorials inside the game.Before his death, he had been working to create his own video game, called Everland.In January, he shared a video on YouTube in which he "Byron was someone who talked about his struggles to help make room for others to the same," Twitch said in a statement. These are external links and will open in a new window This can't be how people feel about the places that should be keeping them safe. His last “Ahh, I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with my insanity.” “Please just know in these situations the insane person does not feel in control of their actions.”Byron Bernstein’s brother, Guy Bernstein, also died by suicide. Bernstein was a popular Twitch streamer and beloved in the World of Warcraft community. Byron "Reckful" Bernstein, a popular video game streamer on Twitch, has died, according to social media posts from his ex-girlfriends and brother. She wrote for the Miami Herald for more than 9 years and won a Green Eyeshade Award. Byron "Reckful" Bernstein, a popular Twitch streamer and "World of Warcraft” gamer, has died. Byron Bernstein, a Twitch streamer, has died at 31, his brother Gary confirmed on social media on Thursday. Twitch said Reckful was a "streaming pioneer" and that it was "devastated" to hear of his death. He was 31. His brother Gary Bernstein confirmed that Reckful had taken his own life, aged 31. I remember Byron telling me how traumatised he was when he had the authorities called on him for being at risk of suicide," she wrote. The brother and ex-girlfriend of popular online gamer Byron Bernstein, widely known as "Reckful", who died by suicide, have shared a heartbreaking post.
"We need better support for those with mental needs.
MIAMI – Byron “Reckful” Bernstein, a popular gamer and Twitch streamer, died on Thursday by suicide, according to his brother. Byron Bernstein, also known as 'Reckful,' reportedly died by suicide on Thursday at the age of 31. Popular Twitch streamer Byron Bernstein aka Reckful, has died, his brother Gary confirmed on Thursday.
Reckful had openly discussed his personal struggles on his platform.
Many of those kneeling to remember him in Stormwind Cathedral last night will have related to his experience.Today, many prominent members of the gaming community - from streamers to senior bosses at Twitch - are talking about how people need to be kinder to each other, and questioning what more needs to done to help people with their mental health.The games industry has been doing a lot of soul-searching recently, with many coming forward to share their experiences of sexual harassment at events and online.That soul-searching will no doubt continue, now with an added focus on mental health, as gaming communities figure out how to be a safer and more inclusive place.His former partner, a gamer known as Becca, said - in a blog post - that Reckful was "amazing". “My baby brother Byron @reckful is gone. Reckful proposed to ex-girlfriend Becca on Twitter before he died.
"As we process this loss, we have to recognise that the stigma around mental health and treatment often prevents people from seeking and getting the help they need. "Never before has an event organised organically by gamers seen so many of the Mages, Warlocks and Warriors of Azeroth gather together in such numbers.Pictures of World of Warcraft players meeting in the game's central cathedral to pay their respects, in record numbers, show just how much the death of Reckful has affected people across the world.Not all had followed his journey from top-ranked player to game developer, but they came in any case - such was his impact on World of Warcraft and its community. Bernstein’s older brother, Gary Bernstein, confirmed the tragic news via Twitter on Thursday.
"Clashes break out in Beirut as protesters vent their fury after Tuesday's massive explosion. "Anyone that knew him knew how much it scared and affected him. For some, this was also a way to raise awareness of the stigma surrounding mental health. Reckful, who was based out of Austin, Texas, was one of the top “World of Warcraft” players in the world.
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