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Explications… Explications… Si le mystère autour de la mort de Jughead a été éclairci dans l’épisode 15 de la saison 4, il restait encore une zone d’ombre autour de Donna Sweett puisque Betty et compagnie avaient découvert qu’il ne … Jughead initially suspects that they’ve called him there to kill him. Jughead becomes one of the Stonewall Five and everyone moves on with their lives. 'Fear City' Cast Guide: Who’s Who in Netflix’s Mafia Docuseries Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Fight' on VOD, a Documentary Capturing the ACLU’s Righteous War against Trump

Or, they could’ve help her cover up the murder she had just committed. Donna kept Betty busy.

With an ax in hand and disguised in a bunny mask, Bret and Donna attempts to scare Jughead. Janelle Monáe Horror Film 'Antebellum' to Premiere on VOD this Fall

Bret scoffs, remarking there’s nothing scary about Lovecraft. Betty accuses Bret of illegally recording people having sex. By the end of the game, it’s down to Jughead and Bret, who Jughead kills.

Of the sins from one generation being passed down to the next. The 25 Scariest Horror Movies on Netflix Now: Can You Handle Them? She calls Donna obsessed. The only remaining member of DuPont’s literary society who he hasn’t killed is Jughead’s grandfather.b Betty unlocks the door, inviting in FP, Charles, and Forsythe. However, they’re giving Jughead a choice to gracefully and quietly withdraw himself from Stonewall, which will save everyone the embarrassment of a hearing, or he can fight the accusation of plagiarism, where he’d most likely lose, tarnishing Stonewall’s name and destroying his future. order back issues and use the historic Daily Express Donna tearfully explains that she and Mr. Chipping were having an affair and that he gave her his tie pin. Betty insists that didn’t happen, but Donna assures her it did, suggesting that maybe Betty blacked out and doesn’t remember.

While Betty was keeping Donna, Bret, and Joan busy, Jughead was solving the mystery. And when she told her mom, she didn’t believe Donna. Jughead initially thought DuPont urged him to do it. There was this one guy named Doc who would stay up all night to ensure the junkies wouldn’t mess with Jughead. Donna, Joan, and Bret watch as DuPont jump out the windowDonna and Bret recall seeing Jughead’s body at the coroner’s office. Mr. Chipping and DuPont have decided on the theme for the Baxter Brothers competition to become the next ghost writer. Donna, Bret, Joan, and Jonathan all raise their hand as they intent to participate. Denn I think she’s somehow tied to The Farm and/or Edgar.“I mean, after all, Evelyn pretended to be a high school student, but she was Edgar’s wife all along.”One other fan called Morganx09 said: "DuPont is too obvious it hi knots going to be someone from and earlier season like Edgar or joe svenson it she could even be a blossom [sic].”From the looks of it, The Farm could be coming into play again with the enigmatic and dangerous cult leader Edgar Evernever (Michael Chad Murray) returning to Riverdale.However, it would make more sense if DuPont was actually involved because of the focus on Stonewall Prep and its dark secrets.Additionally, Riverdale showrunner Roberto Aguirre Sacasa previously said The Farm’s storyline has already wrapped up for now.Early on in season four, there was a confrontation between the Farm which seemed to see the organ harvesting cult scarper off into the night.The writer told media including Whendopolis Videos at San Diego Comic Con: “I can tell you that episode three is our big Farm episode and I think it brings that story - or at least this chapter of that story - to a close.“Most of this season, a lot more is going to be based at the high school because it’s their last year of high school.“It’s going to be a little more telling character stories with the exception of episode three. Maren Morris on 'Watch What Happens Live': I Think Brandi Glanville is "Being Honest" He has a warrant and the permission of the headmaster to do so. Riverdale Round Table: The Real Identity of Donna Sweett Justin Carreiro at March 17, 2020 4:21 pm . Archie and Veronica could’ve tuned Betty in. Betty reveals that she and Dr. Curdle Jr. are associates and that she paid him off to help them fake Jughead’s death. A tree stump podium sits in the center. FP got an anonymous tip that Donna has something personal that belonged to Jughead. Riverdale fans are still trying to understand what, exactly, is going on at Stonewall Prep, and hopefully Donna's true identity could clarify the big question of Mr. Chipping's death. Jughead presumes Bret accused him of plagiarism, but it was in fact Jonathan. Donna reveals to FP that the night of the party, she and Bret decided to sneak into the woods until they saw Betty holding a rock and standing over Jughead, along with Veronica and Archie. Bret chooses Jonathan as his second for moral and tactical support, and Jughead chooses Donna. If they’re winked at, they die five seconds later. Jughead is crowned the next ghost writer for the Baxter Brothers by DuPont. Betty arranges a meeting with Donna at Pop’s to discuss Jughead. So, if Betty’s going down, she’s taking Donna with her. Betty reveals that she learned from Hermosa, a private investigator. Donna just doesn’t know where Betty’s hiding him. Bret and Donna arrive, hoping there are no hard feelings.

The rules are as followed. Betty accuses Donna and her friends of killing Jughead. Stream It Or Skip It: 'Dora and the Lost City of Gold' on Amazon Prime and Hulu, in Which a Cartoon Kid Star Becomes a Confident Live-Action Teen We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. On le sait depuis l’épisode 15 de la saison 4 de Riverdale, Donna n’est pas qui elle prétend être… Alors, qui se cache derrière la personne qui cherche à tout prix à éliminer Jughead ? Betty and Charles listen in as Donna scolds Bret for his encounter with Archie. Riverdale Staffel 3. She then follows her to the woods, where Betty enters a secret Donna informs Bret that she has proof that Jughead’s alive after tailing Betty to the bunker, where she was making out with Archie. Betty is awakened at 3:00 AM by a phone call from Donna, who claims that she figured it out, claiming Betty got over confident and showed her hand. And the tape she has in her hand is that of her and Jughead, which Bret secretly recorded.

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