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Der Film wurde am 1.
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The film was first teased as an April Fools' joke on April 1, 2015, but was later confirmed on December 10, 2015, to be a real production.
Synopsis : La rencontre au sommet entre les créatures de "Ring" et "The Grudge". cukup menarik bukan ?
Helpful. Casting : Mizuki Yamamoto, Tina Tamashiro, Aimi Satsukawa, Misato Tanaka, Masahiro Kômoto Votre note : Aucun(e) 0. John David Washington, Robert Pattinson Sadako vs. Kayako 2016 G 1h 38m Teen Screams When vengeful spirits Sadako and Kayako battle for supremacy, teenagers and college students are caught in the crossfire of their death curses. Here is the RAW.
SYNOPSIS. One person found this helpful. The film was first teased as an April Fools' joke on April 1, 2015, but was later confirmed on December 10, 2015, to be a real production.
Réalisateur : Koji Shiraishi.
Sadako vs. Kayako Film (2016) Desc: Sadako vs. Kayako ist ein japanischer übernatürlicher Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 2016 unter der Regie von Kōji Shiraishi.Es ist eine Kreuzung der Serien Ju-on und Ring.
Description : La rencontre au sommet entre les créatures de "Ring" et "The Grudge". Pays Origine du film: || Japonais. Une journée en Enfer a 25 ans !
la Date et la Dureé Prochainement Les Genres du film Epouvante-horreur.
Notes critiques Spectateurs : 8.
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Ex. It was released on June 18, 2016, in Japan, with a North American release on January 26, 2017, on streaming site Shudder. Sadako vs. Kayako (貞子 vs. 伽椰子) is a 2016 Japanese supernatural horror film directed by Kōji Shiraishi.It is a crossover of the Ju-on and the Ring series.
Sadako vs. Kayako Episode 1 RAW released. Telecharger Sadako vs. Kayako Dvdrip VF Gratuit bdrip xvid. Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links on this page.
4.0 out of 5 stars WATCH WATCH WATCH. It is a crossover of the Ju-on and the Ring series.
Let's watching and enjoying Sadako vs. Kayako Episode 1 and many other episodes of Sadako vs. Kayako with Full HD for FREE.
April 2015 zum ersten Mal als Aprilscherz gehänselt, später jedoch am 10. Sadako vs. Kayako (7) IMDb ... Watch with beer, friends and a lot of shrieks and giggling, perhaps on a double-bill with Freddie vs. Jason. Check out all of our freely drama series online by clicking on Drama List.
Retrouvez également l'intégralité des épisodes sur Series Streaming !
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