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Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.English, Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, VietnameseWith Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app. Also, one can lost the connection, and the other doesn’t, so I question how good the communication is between the two apps. That stuff doesn’t work. The device itself is great - and when I open the app my device will then connect via Bluetooth. Please try the following to resolve it:Requer o iOS 9.0 ou posterior. Este app está disponível apenas na App Store para iPhone.
Thank you for taking the time to give us a feedback.
Get notifications and reply quickly You’re always connected, so you’ll be notified of incoming calls or texts right on your Galaxy Fit. Compatível com iPhone, iPad e iPod touch.Português, Albanês, Alemão, Bokmål, norueguês, Checo, Chinês, Chinês simplificado, Chinês tradicional, Coreano, Crota, Dinamarquês, Eslovaco, Esloveno, Espanhol, Estoniano, Finlandês, Francês, Grego, Hebraico, Hindi, Holandês, Húngaro, Indonésio, Inglês, Irlandês, Islandês, Italiano, Japonês, Letão, Lituano, Macedônio, Malaio, Polonês, Romena, Russo, Sueco, Sérvio, Tailandês, Turco, Ucraniano, Vietnamita, ÁrabeAté seis membros da família poderão usar este app com o Compartilhamento familiar ativado.Os Serviços de Mídia da Apple são fornecidos pela Apple Inc.Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. Todos os direitos reservados.
Revised: the fix to the connection issue was to install the latest update on the gear fit. But if I am not on the app Bluetooth drops within about 3 minutes.Dear Leigh1201, we are so glad to hear that the issue has been resolved. This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone. Pair your Galaxy Fit with your Galaxy smartphone to get credit for every move and stay connected with calls and texts. The Samsung Galaxy Fit application connects Samsung Gear Fit2, Gear Fit2 pro and Galaxy Fit, Galaxy Fitⓔ to your mobile device. In practice, you jump back and forth between the two to manage your settings. CNPJ: 00.623.904/0003-35
We will pass your request to development team. I’m scrambling to open my phone and force Fit to quit and restart, to get it to stop before my arm vibrates off...Dear user, we are so sorry to hear that. Please let us know if you face anymore difficulties. It’s been 2 days and I have uninstalled / removed devices / turned off Bluetooth for 10-20 seconds. Plus, send quick, preset replies, and keep an eye on schedules, the forecast and more. Samsung should send out a notice when new updates are available Dear pharmsci, you should check whether there is update or not from your band. * Galaxy Fit is not Compatible with iPad and iPod touchDear user, we are so happy to hear that. Thank you.Requires iOS 9.0 or later.
Please try setting up your Gear as demonstrated in this video: (Galaxy Wearable: Connecting Fit 2 Pro with iPhone).
The Galaxy Fit Plugin is an essential application that seamlessly connects the Galaxy Fitⓔ, Galaxy Fit and the compatible mobile device. Please connect the gear to the app through the Galaxy Fit app first, not through bluetooth.
Although it's a Gear Fit2 Pro in the video, the process is similar.Comprei um fit e, tenho um iPhone 7 e não consigo conectar a pulseira ao celular, ele fica carregando dizendo estar conectando mas no fim nada acontece, ja retirei da lista de pareados do cel, mas mesmo assim nao funciona.Hi User, it is really unfortunate to know that. Thank you for taking the time to give us a feedback.Não encontra Galaxy Fit e no iPhone 7.
It’s easy enough to quit one and restart it, but it is annoying as crap when I’m sitting in a meeting and my Fit notifications start going off constantly. It also manages and monitors Samsung Gear Fit2, Gear Fit2 pro and Galaxy Fit, Galaxy Fitⓔ features and applications installed through Gear Appstore. * Galaxy Fit is not Compatible with iPad and iPod touchThe Galaxy Fit app is pretty solid, other than the occasional bad update (some updates have made it impossible for my phone and Fit to connect). The Samsung Galaxy Fit application connects Samsung Gear Fit2, Gear Fit2 pro and Galaxy Fit, Galaxy Fitⓔ to your mobile device. This is almost always a sign that the Fit app crashed, but the Health app is fine, and my phone is dumping every notification it can to my phone (I have email and most app notifications turned off). Apple Computer Brasil Ltda. Galaxy Fit starts tracking up to six activities automatically so you can focus purely on getting fit. The Samsung Galaxy Fit application connects Samsung Gear Fit2, Gear Fit2 pro and Galaxy Fit, Galaxy Fitⓔ to your mobile device.
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