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It's also extremely versatile and easy to set up - there are several ways you can connect the soundbar to your TV, so you can customize your movie watching experience. You can also connect your devices (cable boxes, video game systems, and Blu-ray players) to the TV, and have the sound output from the TV to the soundbar.If you've decided to go with an optical cable, connecting it only takes a few seconds.With the TV and soundbar turned on, connect one end of a digital optical cable to the Navigate to Settings, then press up on the navigation arrows to highlight quick settings.

HDMI cables transmit sound digitally, which makes everything crystal clear. Follow the steps below to update Samsung Soundbar …

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By submitting this form you acknowledge you have read the Buy the Samsung Galaxy Note10/Note10+ and get 6 months of Spotify Premium for free.Soundbars enrich your auditory experience when enjoying entertainment on your TV. Or continue shopping on
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all disconnects after 1 second from tv after i switch in tv menu to that headphone. 9 AM - 6 PM EST Sat, Closed Sunday

If you don't have the remote, press the Source button on the top panel and then select BT.After a few seconds, the panel will display BT READY if there is no Bluetooth device already connected to the soundbar.

@1bit: To connect to a Bluetooth speaker please go to Settings > Sound Output > Press the 'Up' directional arrow > Bluetooth Speaker List > Select your soundbar.If the soundbar isn't listed then I recommend exploring other connection options such as WiFi or …

Wir verraten euch, wie man eine Samsung-Soundbar zurücksetzen kann. If you have the soundbar's remote handy, press the Bluetooth PAIR button on the remote control to enter the BT PAIRING mode.. Select To pair a 2014 soundbar to a 2014 Samsung TV using SoundConnect:Turn on the TV and soundbar, open the menu of the TV, navigate to On the TV, a message asking whether to enable the TV SoundConnect function appears.

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This sound bar is synced with our Samsung 60" TV and we only use one remote for viewing. Email as a contact option was discontinued as of April 3rd, 2019.

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Problem: When connecting a device to Samsung Sound+ Soundbar via Bluetooth. But when you connect it with the help of a Bluetooth, you may find the clearness and the maximum sound quality.However, down below are mention steps to how to connect Samsung soundbar Bluetooth tv: You need to pick up the remote of your soundbar and press on the button “source.”Then you need to pair the BT ready while holding the source of “BT READY” for about 6 seconds.Now, you need to go to your TV speaker menu and choose “Bluetooth audio.”Now, select your Samsung soundbar Bluetooth name within your TV and enjoy the audio ahead.

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