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in Green Science and Engineering, autumn entry only)M.A. Participating exchange students pay tuition to their home institution for the period of their stay at Sophia. There are countless clubs on Yotsuya campus for students with common interests ranging from a hobby or social cause, to religion or culture, and more. For international students there are many opportunities to experience Japanese traditions as many events are organized by registered student organizations.

International students coming from abroad must have a “College Student” status of residence or other appropriate status. Exchange students will be responsible for their own room and board and … Below, please find information on tuitions and fees.

This guide provides detailed information on all of Sophia University’s scholarships, so that you can apply for the scholarships that are right for you. There are a particularly large number of scholarships in the latter category.

Comparative Culture, Social Studies, International Business and EconomicsInternational Programs for Environmental Science and TechnologyGreen Science in the Department of Materials and Life SciencesNew program, taught in English, offers bachelor's degrees in seven fields of study: journalism, [M.A.] Starting a new student life in a different country might be very interesting but sometimes, it also brings difficulty and worries for students and their family members. New videos about SPSF now available. Information for International Students. For international students there are many opportunities to experience Japanese traditions as many events are organized by registered student organizations. Exchange Programs. Students need to have a permission from the Immigration Office in advance.International students are required to join the “National Health Insurance,” which covers 70% of medical expenses.Hundreds of clubs and circles offer opportunities to join with other students who share a common interest in various things from sports to music, volunteer activities, cultural performances, current social issues, etc.Graduates of Sophia are in great demand within both the Japanese and the international job markets because of their language skills, solid academic training, and global competency.Sophia University is located in Yotsuya, in the heart of Tokyo. New life as Sophians cerebrated in a beautiful season of cherry blossoms.Each faculty plans orientation camps for faculty members, current students and new students to get to know each other and bring them close together.

The whole world. International students holding “College Student” status of residence can work part-time up to 28 hours per week. The area around the university has long been at the center of Japanese politics, economy and culture.Adachi Scholarship for students from Southeast Asia and AfricaSophia Soshigaya International House (Setagaya City)Sophia-Arrupe International Residence (Shinjuku City)Sophia Higashi Nakano Women’s Dormitory (Nakano City)*Sophia Kasai International House Women's Dormitory (Edogawa City)*

SOPHIANS' GUIDE 2020(4.47 MB) The educational award is available for high achieving Japanese and International candidates who are going to start their undergraduate and graduate study … Part-time Job. The global and multicultural vocation of Sophia in numbers: thus far 450 students and lecturers from 5 continents, 50 countries, 30 languages. Furthermore, we also have information about real estate companies providing housing related service for university student. Schools accept credit transfer on a case-by-case basis and decisions may vary by student and specific degree plan. Global Studies, International Business and Development Studies, Japanese StudiesApril 1 and September 21 (For M.S. Sophia has several off-campus dormitories and affiliated dormitories for students in the Tokyo area. A student’s dedication to their studies, their duty at university, comes from their own motivation and a financial base. We hope that our scholarship system can help more students to continue their studies and to lead a cheerful and fulfilling university life. However, the reality is that various circumstances (the student’s family environment or social environment) can create barriers, making it difficult for some students to continue their studies despite tremendous motivation. Sophia students have been pre-approved for credit transfer, or had their Sophia courses accepted for credit by the following institutions. 就職支援プログラム (Programs to help International Students’ job-search) インターンシップと在留資格について (About status of residence and internships) 外国人留学生進路状況 (International Students Paths after Graduation) 卒業後の在留資格について

We have established our scholarship system to give these students our greatest support.

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