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Shield out EMR from mobile phone masts, neighbourhood DECT and Wi-Fi with that semi-transparent, translucent, ecological, lightweight EMF protective cotton fabric. We also provide teachings of compassion and nonviolence and additional self-help resources to men and women in prison throughout the USA. (1) A+Radio Frequency Shielding Fabric RF Blocking Fabric Swiss Shield NaturellThis amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees.
After a Essential cookies enable basic functions and are necessary for the proper functioning of the website.Statistics cookies collect information anonymously. External media Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. Essential Get PayPal buyer protection for your item when you pay with PayPal | Effectiveness 99.99% or 40dB at 1,000 MHz / 1GHz and 99% Effective Up to 10,000 MHz / 10GHz There are less expensive RF shielding fabrics available.
See the seller's listing for full details.
We provide solar powered flashlights to villages in developing countries without access to electricity or healthy, sustainable forms of lighting. Typical application as curtain. This fabric is washable however, can only be washed up to 40 times.
Made with cotton fiber spun with 0.02 mm silvered copper thread, the canopy provides sheer, breathable, and attractive electromagnetic protection while you Thank you for your purchase. Get PayPal buyer protection for your item when you pay with PayPal | Swiss-Shield® Shielding fabric NATURELL™ | 38 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 250 cm | 1 meterSwiss-Shield® Shielding fabric NATURELL™ | 38 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 250 cm | 1 meterSwiss-Shield® Shielding fabric EVOLUTION™ | 30 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 250 cm | 1 meterSwiss-Shield® Shielding fabric ULTIMA™ | 41 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 250 cm | 1 meterSwiss-Shield® Shielding fabric VOILE | 36 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 250 cm | 1 meterSwiss-Shield® Shielding fabric WEAR™ | 25 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 150 cm | 1 meterSwiss-Shield® Shielding fabric EVOLUTION™ | 30 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 250 cm | 1 meterSwiss-Shield® Shielding fabric ULTIMA™ | 41 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 250 cm | 1 meterSwiss-Shield® Shielding fabric VOILE | 36 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 250 cm | 1 meterSwiss-Shield® Shielding fabric WEAR™ | 25 dB | TÜV-SÜD quality-tested | Width 150 cm | 1 meterYSHIELD® Liquid detergent TEXCARE for shielding fabrics | 1 literYSHIELD® Powder detergent TEXCARE for shielding fabrics | 1 kgYSHIELD® Liquid detergent TEXCARE for shielding fabrics | 1 literYSHIELD® Powder detergent TEXCARE for shielding fabrics | 1 kgThis website uses cookies. applicable). Please know that your purchase greatly assists SourcePoint Global Outreach / Naljor Prison Dharma Service, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2001. Here at Cell Phone Radiation Ltd, we know it can be tricky to know which product is best for you. From Swiss-Shield®. Swiss Shield Naturell Radio Frequency Shielding (Blocking) Fabric. Fast shipping. NATURELL-ULTRA™ is the second fabric of a new product series from Swiss Shield®. Varies for items posted from an international location
Bergstrasse 25 CH-8890 Flums Switzerland Tel: +41 41 740 45 67 Fax: +41 41 740 45 68 Caring For Swiss Shield Naturell.
If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. (3) This amount is subject to change until you make payment. Radio Frequency Shielding Fabric RF Blocking Fabric Swiss Shield Naturell Swiss Shield ® Naturell ™ is used preferably as curtain material in front of windows or walls and is easy to fit or sew.
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