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If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.You must be a registered user to add a comment.
Track time better with Google Calendar integration and plan your work with Tempo’s mobile app for Jira Server and Jira Cloud. It's not fast to use the worklog if you're entering a lot of dataYou must be a registered user to add a comment. Zendesk Otherwise, register and sign in.You must be a registered user to add a comment. Integrate Tempo seamlessly with other tools. All of your favorite Jira Service Desk functionality, built right into the Jira Cloud mobile app. Check if they're listed here: Organize time tracking data into different categories for … You get proper notifications to Mac OS when issue status changes* Commenting. Click the admin dropdown, and choose Manage apps. Integrate Tempo seamlessly with other tools.
Clicking on the newly created shortcut opens up a new instance of Chrome. The upshot is that an app is faster and better for real time team communications as issues evolve. Customize your push notifications for logging time and submitting your timesheet. About Tempo for JIRA Tempo, a global SaaS company, delivers integrated time tracking solutions that ensure companies can apply best-in-class time management tools to drive their success.
Partners No user or message content is sent to the service, only notification IDs, and we don't store any data.For sites that are not accessible on the public internet (for example users need to be connected via VPN to use the app) we adapt the push notification message as follows:Having problems when using the app? Locate Mobile Plugin for Jira via search. Users will need to sign in to use the app, even if your site allows anonymous access.We do not currently support any mobile device management (MDM) or app management solutions.The mobile app provides a simple, lightweight way for users to view, create, edit and collaborate on issues. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.You must be a registered user to add a comment. It's very strong a commenting and it makes every issue feel like a slack channel. Complex interactions, including those provided by add-ons, will not be available in the app.Any look and feel customizations you’ve made to your Jira instance will not be reflected in the app.The Jira Server mobile app can push notifications directly to users' devices. Otherwise, register and sign in.I can't get it to work. Clicking the glance opens a separate glance panel with more information. Maximize your app's warm welcome into the land of Jira Cloud mobile by testing it first. Otherwise, register and sign in.You must be a registered user to add a comment. Get things done wherever and whenever you want with Tempo’s mobile app.
However, the app has bugs and limitations, so it's FAR from perfect. by clicking on an app notification* There is a major but (currently) with editing the description of an issue which is a deal breaker * Work Log. Help
This feature uses a cloud-based notifications service developed and maintained by Atlassian and hosted on our AWS infrastructure. * With Tempo’s mobile app for Jira Server you can integrate with Google Calendar to have all your events synced with Tempo to easily create time entries with one click. If you've already registered, sign in. This feature uses a cloud-based notifications service developed and … Connect with us directly by following the steps below. Drive more integration and automation between Jira, Tempo and your ecosystem of solutions.
Just to help differentiate between Chrome and Jira (It doesnt even have to be the official Jira logo)You must be a registered user to add a comment. The Jira Server mobile app can push notifications directly to users' devices. Help About Us
Topics deal with time tracking, PPM, EVM, managing resources, teams and finances. If you've already registered, sign in. Mobile Plugin for Jira. Approval logs are kept for transparency and traceability.You’ll be reminded of when timesheet is due for an approval from your manager. I removed the Chrome shortcut, added Jira, and then added Chrome back and it worked.You must be a registered user to add a comment. The Jira (by atlassian) app for Mac has some great benefits over the Chrome website and also some limitations. Customize your push notifications for logging time and submitting your timesheet. If you've already registered, sign in.
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