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He is eventually visited on 22 June 1987 by an elderly Egon, who is revisiting his old cases, trying to understand the unusual events that unfolded in Winden. When Helge confessed to Mads' murder, Ulrich gets to the police station. The disappearance of his brother, Jealous of the relationship, Hannah later presents a false testimony to police investigator Ulrich has become a police officer and family man, having married Katharina and fathered three children by her: On June 20, Ulrich tries to pressure Katharina into having sex, but is interrupted by Mikkel, who enters their bedroom having developed a red rash all over his body, which his mother recognizes as rubella. Egon shows Ulrich a picture of a boy—who unbeknownst to him is his son Mikkel.

Die Überschrift lautet: "Ist dieser Mann ein Kindermörder?"

Helge says he was forced to send the boy to the future by a woman to fill the gaps. Als Egon ihm ein Bild von seinem verschwundenen Sohn Mikkel zeigt, dreht Ulrich durch und versucht, Egon umzubringen - wird jedoch von den Psychiatern davon abgehalten. Katharina tells him they will go home and bring Mikkel with them. Ulrich restructured his question, asking if Kilian had given her anything as Magnus walked down the stairs. Born Katharina Albers, in 2019 she is the principal of the local high school. Ulrich asks if it is possible his body had been preserved, but the lady at the morgue finds it hard to believe.

Ulrich tells her he took a while to make it home because the baker's was full and joked the apocalypse was nearing them. This causes Ulrich to lose his temper, and make plans to escape the institution to find him. She opens it up only to see her father at the door. In 1986, he finds Helge as a middle aged man and attempts to kill him, destroying his eye in the process. Charlotte pulls Ulrich away, and tells him he does not have to be there at such a difficult time for him, as Wöller could do briedings and she could do forensics.

Auf dem Rückweg zur Psychiatrie sieht Ulrich Magnus und Martha zusammen mit Bartosz, Franziska und Elisabeth, welche auch durch die Zeit gereist sind, am Staßenrand. He asked her to test a DNA sample, as he was sure the boy in the bunker was Mads before running into the cave after Helge. Katharina is the wife of Ulrich Nielsen and the mother of Magnus, Martha, and Mikkel Nielsen. Als Ulrich daraufhin blutverschmiert vom damaligen Egon Tiedemann verhaftet wird, kommt er ins Gefängnis und wird verhört. When Ulrich asks for ideas, Charlotte mentions they had not received the shift schedules from the power plant yet. She tells him she loves him, and Ulrich tells her she is beautiful. Looking at a clock, he saw Katharina was half an hour late, which left him disappointed. Magnus and Martha confronted Ulrich when he did not believe they were sober when they saw Mads' body appear.Alternate reality Martha is on her bed, but gets up when she hears the doorbell. Ulrich grabs him and asks who it is he needs to stop and is surpised to hear it is him who needs to be stopped. Katharina is at the psychiatric ward, and tells Ulrich to wait by the door so she could get him out later. He notices something about the scar on his brother's chin, which worries the doctor. He asks if Magnus is in the house, and asks Martha to tell him what really happened in the bunker. Shaken, he grabs Helge and asks him what he did to Mads before Helge simply recognizes Ulrich is alive, and realizes that it was him while holding up the necklace with the coin.

Seitdem wird Ulrich Nielsen vermisst. Dezember 2017 auf Deutsch und in Synchronfassungen auf Netflix veröffentlicht. Ulrich visits Mads' body who is said must have died immediately when the body was found. Hannah mentions Ulrich is in the shower, but Charlotte asks if she can wait for him because what she wants to tell him is urgent. Er ist ein Charakter in Dark und wird von Walter Kreye, Felix Kramer und Joshio Marlon verkörpert.

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