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Wer von Android auf iPhone oder von einem iPhone auf Android wechselt, braucht Expertenwissen. Auf WhatsApp geht ein zerstörerischer "Martinelli"-Virus um und das Radio hat über das Gold-Update berichtet? Gut möglich aber auch, dass die Betrugsmasche mit "WhatsApp Gold" in eine neue Runde gegangen ist, weil viele Nutzer nicht mit den Bei WhatsApp Gold werden dem Nutzer eine bessere Audioqualität beim Telefonieren, Gruppen mit bis zu 256 Kontakten, Versand von Bildern in voller Qualität, das Deaktivieren der blauen Häkchen, neue Hintergrundbilder und Admin-Rechte für alle Gruppen versprochen.

WhatsApp Gold scams are real, so beware of those Credit: Sophos. Vielen Dank für Ihre Mitteilung.HINWEIS: Sie nutzen einen unsicheren und veralteten Browser!Wechseln Sie jetzt auf einen aktuellen Browser, um schneller und sicherer zu surfen. Starte nun die App. So geht's:

"Given that there apparently isn’t any 'martinelli' video, WhatsApp users are safe from it," Sophos wrote in a warning post. Bei beiden Smartphone-Betriebssystemen ist es möglich, alte Chats auf ein neues Gerät oder nach einem Löschen … Fwd this msg to as many as you can! "Frustratingly, this is a recurring hoax, and has been widely debunked over the year.There has never been any evidence of a rogue "hacked" text from someone called "Martinelli".However, it sprinkles in an element of truth: WhatsApp Gold scams have been spotted in the past.They often promise extra WhatsApp features in exchange for a fee – but often involve you being conned out of money or info.Alternatively, such scams could install malware on your device, allowing hackers to wreak havoc on your online life.But this scam isn't particularly popular any more, and has never been genuinely linked to the so-called "Martinelli" attack. "Users who clicked on the link got no goodies. Supernanny fans in tears as she begs stepdad to stop beating boy mourning father Thousands of naked selfies and videos from OnlyFans site leaked online 5 common lies women tell in bed - including being impressed with your manhood UK heatwave brings JELLYFISH swarms to coasts – spot the dangerous species A sobbing girl, 9, told me she's addicted to porn…TikTok fails thousands like herComments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed Ignore Facebook posts like these – they're a total scamWhatsApp trick reveals exact number of texts you’ve sent to pals (Quelle: dpa) Es ist richtig, vor "WhatsApp Gold" zu warnen, aber es ist unklar, ob es jetzt einen aktuellen Hintergrund gibt. GB Whatsapp For iPhone Features: Not only just iPhone but also you can use this version on your android devices. "Please inform all contacts from your list not to open a video called the "Dance of the Pope". Beware it is very dangerous. "Full Fact writes: "The other video viruses mentioned in the post are not real, and variants of these hoaxes have been going viral for years. WhatsApp-Backup wiederherstellen. "All they have to do is inform senders that they’ve been taken in by a chain letter, tell them to please stop forwarding it, and of course, refrain from forwarding it themselves.

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"Also, if you receive a message to update the Whatsapp to Whatsapp Gold, do not click !!!!! "WhatsApp has quietly created a secret 'self-deleting message' feature.WhatsApp's new Dark Mode has been branded "ugly" and "gross" by some users.Find out which apps drain your battery life the fastest.And check out our genius iPhone battery life tricks.

Damit wir antworten können, geben Sie bitte But this scam isn't particularly popular any more, and has never been …

"If you know anyone using WhatsApp, you might pass on this.

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