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Windows Wifi power setting is under the Control Panel → System → Power & Sleep. To avoid connection failures requiring reboot of a Windows 10 PC upon resuming from sleep/standby, consider disabling Windows Modern Standby (formerly known as Connected Standby) during sleep. Settings -> System -> Batery -> Power & sleep: Is obviously set to Never. The Modern Standby type of sleep is S0. powercfg /a. The Hibernate mode in Windows 10 is primarily designed to save battery life on Windows Laptops, you will find below the steps to enable or disable Hibernate Mode in Windows 10.While both Sleep Mode and Hibernate Mode are Power Saving Modes in Windows 10, the Hibernate Mode is specifically designed to conserve battery life on Windows Laptops.When Hibernate mode is enabled on your laptop, it will be setup to save data to a hidden file (hiberfil.sys) located on the hard disk, without draining its battery life.When you return back to the laptop and turn it ON, you will be able to resume work from from where you left it off.The easiest way to enable or disable Hibernate Mode in Windows 10 is by using the Command Prompt (Admin).Once the Command is executed, Hibernate Mode will be disabled and “hiberfil.sys” file will be removed from the hard disk of your computer.At any time you can Enable Hibernate Mode in Windows 10 by opening the Command prompt and typing This will enable the Hibernate mode on your computer.Another way to enable or disable Hibernate mode in Windows 10 is by using the Registry Editor.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Power Extract its contents to any folder. CsEnabled is set to 0, but powercfg /a still shows the machine is using S0 - so the machine keeps waking up in my bag and turning it in to an oven. Configure Network Connectivity in Standby with Registry Tweak. In spite of this setting, my legal copy of Windows 10 Pro goes into suspend in a few moments, maybe a minute, since first gone to suspend manually, I mean: Start …

If present, uncheck under “Wi-Fi” the “stay connected…sleep” options.then the PC is set to disconnect from WiFi on sleep.

The solution for this issue is to disable Tablet Mode. Modern Standby on Windows 10.

Modern Standby uses WiFi, Ethernet or other connections, periodically rousting the laptop from … Some applications do not work well in Windows 10 Tablet Mode. Used to be able to set the CsEnabled flag to 0 in the registry to disable Modern Standby, but now it doesn't work.

1. The Windows SleepStudy report contains a great deal of nerdy but useful power system info, including battery life state.

To avoid connection failures requiring reboot of a Windows 10 PC upon resuming from sleep/standby,

My Windows 10 Pro version is 1703, build 15063.540.

Right-click on the Start button and click on Run. You can place the files directly to the Desktop.
If your Windows 10 edition doesn't include the gpedit.msc app, you can use a Registry tweak. Download the following ZIP archive: Download ZIP archive. Turn off Connected Standby on Windows 10 14 May, 2020.

If the command tells you that Standby (s0) Low Power Idle is not supported, you cannot enable or use it. consider disabling Windows Here is how. Note: You can also press Win + R Keys to bring up the Run Command. This command works even if the OEM has hidden the option in the Control Panel (like Dell XPS).To help diagnose problems with Modern Standby, Windows provides from the factory the

Open Command Prompt with admin rights and run the following command.

The filename is like “C:/Windows/System32/sleepstudy-report.html” This outputs an HTML report–copy and paste the filename from the Command Prompt into your web browser. Another way to enable or disable Hibernate mode in Windows 10 is by using the Registry Editor. This can be accomplished in two ways, in Settings or by modifying the Registry. Unblock the files.

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