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Laws are fabricated to control the free market causal effects and prevent us from experiencing the chaos that would allow us to change. It can range from ignorance, denial, rejection and even anger and heavy conflict, as I have talked about before.People in various countries of the world need to understand what is happening at a larger scale. )We are living an illusory life yet most people have no clue.Once we face reality and accurately see the true condition we have let manifest around us, we recognize and acknowledge the problem. Instead of a delusional fictitious illusory maya from our false perceptual constructs of not seeing reality as it is, of only seeing the illusion of “good”, “order”, “freedom” and “peace” provided by our systemic insulation, we now see reality and truth as it is with an accurate perception of ‘what is’.We recognize that we aren’t so free: that there is still a Information of this kind, the shocking reality of our current condition, is required to be known in everyone’s life. Feedback comments are intended to give extra information about a route which may be helpful to other climbers. We can then assess, analyze and diagnose the current condition to arrive at the nature and root causal factors that created the current reality. We are led along predetermined and ultimately controlled paths and ways of living. I’m sure the modern media started out with good intensions to bring about the truth, whatever that is? But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? That system is our enemy. Most Mac users and many developers don’t realize how extensively windows are used in the composition of the overall UI experience on Mac OS X. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The Windows of Perception. Monetary manipulations and abstract ideas are accepted by people because of the ability to manipulate exchanges and gain more, to create money out of nothing, and also to make money from money without actually creating anything into the world.There is a false perceptual construct that is created. Designed and built to Australian Standards. Our Products are all silicone glazed which gives our products ultimate strength as well as being energy efficient.

The default false perception is being spoken, propagated, projected and protected by the media 24/7, and all of us accept this false unreality as a reality.As Morpheus says in The Matrix, that we are so helplessly attached to our conditioning into unreality, that we fight to defend this false reality. by Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminski. This can include 'βeta' which is crucial information about the route which may be how to do a move, or tips about hidden holds or gear. This is the the The politicians attach their campaigns to the idea of change, but the good things that they promise don’t happen while the bad things keep going. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. This is the fiction of the imagery we have about how “ordered”, “good” and “free” we are. having said that, the Media especially the TV Media can also be manipulated by dark forces outside Politics & other Authorities. Windows of Perception 2017/12/09 Kris Nelson Infographics , Moral Law , Symbols & Reality One comment The default conditioned perceptual window that most of us view our surroundings from creates a fictional worldview and has us “seeing” semblances … just a little corruption crept in along the way. Chaos is a teacher, if we pay attention to it. This is the type of information that can act as a A large part of our social engineering in our environment comes from the government, laws, and indoctrination into state education or otherwise, that conditions us into the normalcy of standardized acceptability into falsity.The media, and everyone else who accepts the standard narrative, is either automatically (as is the case with everyone), or actively (as is the case with the news), putting out the standard false model and perception of reality for everyone to accept. The Windows of Perception. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Truth and falsity do not unite. The system of life we have created conveniently keeps us in The fictitious level of abstractions we have created around the basis of reality of goods and services, is ridiculous, and has perverted our understanding of real work in real life that creates everything around us. This is why the only way to An interesting & thought provoking read. Ignorance of the problem assures that no change towards proper correction is possible.It’s all rigged, with collusion at the corporate and state level. We are largely impotent if we only act within the pre-selected pathways of control our system has set out for us. The Media seem to have gotten off lightly here. Introduction A driving conceit of modern psychology is that the brain somehow creates consciousness. By Bruce Katz on February 26, 2008 in Essay. The Twelve Windows of Plant Perception. Perception Windows provides energy efficient aluminium windows and doors for your home at an affordable price. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. In the years since Mac OS X … Overview: Flower essence therapy involves the healing of the human soul through the use of potentized substances made from flowers. February 26, 2008. Deepak Chopra The system is constructed to insulate us from facing the consequences of our actions and chaos that we produce as a collective whole, letting us enjoy the illusory pleasures and distractions that further distract us from what we are doing. It’s not just people that can become myopic to only be concerned about their own personal issues and not want to deal with larger issues, but communities as a whole can have the same attitude and disregard their involvement in what is happening at a larger scale.They don’t want truth, they fear truth, they don’t care for truth, and they ignore truth, and they try to prevent other people from accessing the truth as well.This is much of the symbolism of Jesus in the Bible, as truth being the sword against falsity that will divide people, because that is what truth inherently does to falsity.

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