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This wouldn't be a major issue or mystery to fans if Nishinoya's wherabouts were hinted at, but as more of the ancillary characters continue to join the timeskip his absence is a little more egregious. Think Nishinoya is coming soon?

Haikyuu Timeskip Finally Reveals Where Nishinoya Has Been Naruto: Iruka Voice Actor Hospitalized in Japan for COVID-19 Anime Fans Choose Their Favorite Tag Teams Wiki is a community dedicated to Haruichi Furudate's Haikyū!! By creating an account, you verify that you are at least 13 years of age, and have read and agree to the Comicbook.com Chapter 382 of the series has now hit Viz Media's digital Shonen Jump library, and unfortunately it also dashes our hopes of seeing an older version of Nishinoya along with the rest of the cast. Share 0 Comments.

Haikyuu!! The rest of Karasuno's roster has shown themselves over the latest few chapters, and even included a surprise The last time Nishinoya has been seen in the series was Chapter 369, which was the final chapter before this major timeskip. Haikyuu Timeskip Confirms One Surprise Marriage. The sports manga focused on Hinata's journey to become like his volleyball, … This marks the thirteenth chapter in a row without either an appearance from the character, or a reference of any sort. Share 0 Comments. After high school Nishinoya decided to travel the world and as of 2018, he is currently in Italy, fishing for marlins. Haikyuu has been one of Shonen Jump's steadiest series for years now. Haikyuu Timeskip Raises Big Nishinoya Question . But what do you think?How do you feel about finally being updated on Nishinoya's status following It contains info on the manga, anime, films, Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima and Sugawara.

As Asahi reflects on a conversation they had before leaving high school, Nishinoya revealed that his plan for the future was to save up money and travel across the world and do all sorts of new things. Number 4 - Yu Nishinoya (Photo: Shueisha) Nishinoya was one of the biggest mysteries following the timeskip. Yū Nishinoya (Japanese: 西谷 (にしのや) 夕 (ゆう), Nishinoya Yū) was a second-year student at Karasuno High School. But what do you think? series. He served as the libero for the school's volleyball team and was referred to by his teammates as "Karasuno's Guardian Deity" for his remarkable skill. By Nick Valdez - February 2, 2020 05:02 pm EST. Why is he being held back at all?

By the looks of this later chapter, he was able to accomplish this big dream of his! Now it's just a matter of waiting yet another chapter to see what Nishinoya's been up to all this time. He was kept from the final few chapters … As it turns out while everyone else has gathered for this match between Hinata and Kageyama's big pro teams, Nishinoya has instead been fishing for Marlins off the coast of Italy.NISHINOYA STAN OR NOT YALL ARE OBLIGATED TO REPLY "WELCOME HOME NISHINOYA" OR ELSE As Asahi explains in the chapter, he texted Nishinoya that they were all reuniting for this match and the former libero instead texted him a picture of himself with a huge Marlin catch. By creating an account, you verify that you are at least 13 years of age, and have read and agree to the Comicbook.com The more we began to see Karasuno's full line-up appear (It's a mystery no longer as the color spread for Chapter 386 of the series was completely dedicated to revisiting Nishinoya. By Nick Valdez - January 6, 2020 10:36 pm EST. Let us know your thoughts in the comments or talk to me directly about all things anime and other cool things

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