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The FBI had developed a plan for her to be recruited by the Chinese Between 1985–1990, Leung's profile within the West Coast Chinese community and the FBI had risen significantly. The FBI learned that Leung had surreptitiously copied a Leung was arrested by the Department of Justice on the morning of April 9, 2003 at her residence in On January 6, 2005, U.S. District Judge Florence Marie Cooper dismissed Leung's case on the grounds of prosecutorial misconduct. Review of Violent Intermediaries. Join Facebook to connect with Katharina Delling and others you may know. Katrina Leung was a former high value Federal Bureau of Investigation informant and PRC Ministry of State Security agent who, on April 9, 2003, was indicted by the United States Department of Justice for "Unauthorized copying of national defense information with intent to injure or benefit a foreign nation".
The FBI headquarters chief questioned Leung's handler Smith, who denied the allegations and successfully convinced his superior that she would never do such a thing without his authorization. Biography. Delling wuchs in Büdelsdorf auf, besuchte das Rendsburger Gymnasium Herderschule und war ab 1977 freier Mitarbeiter bei der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landeszeitung in Rendsburg.

Practices of Fighting Antimicrobial ResistanceInterregionalism and Security in the Sahel: The African Union, ECOWAS, and the European UnionSpatial Orders of Hunger: Food Insecurity in North Africa“Off the Grid”: Infrastructures, Processes of Spatialization, and Drones in AfricaSpatial Semantics of Geography in the 19th and 20th CenturiesImperialist Geographies: The Transpacific and Circum-Caribbean Space in US Literature in the Period from 1880 to 1940Reimaginations of Land and Agriculture in the Context of DigitizationMaps and Atlases as Mediators and Producers of Spatial Knowledge under the Global ConditionTaiwanese Religious Communities and their Internationalization Strategies (guojihua) since the 1980sMaras as Producers of Translocal Spaces of Violence in the Americas and EuropeRemittances and a Transnational Moral Economy: El Salvador, Togo and the Philippines in a Comparative PerspectiveGold Mining and New Regulations of (Sub)National Spaces in Africa Leben. During this time, she met and charmed Up to this point, Leung's reports were well received by the In June 1990, the FBI learned that Leung had revealed to MSS officials the existence and location of a classified operation as well as classified details of the FBI's counterintelligence program. On March 16, 1984, Leung became a U.S. citizen with the help of Smith. View the profiles of people named Katharina Delling. Secondly, the postdoctoral project “Spatial Formats and Spatial Orders: Typology and Historical Narrative” is embedded within the Z Project. Political Mobilities and Post-Colonial Processes of Respatialization in the Second Half of the 20th CenturySpheres of Production and Circulation: Mass Culture between Europe and North America, 1830s to 1930sInnovative Technology Enterprises in Unlikely Places in Central Asia and AfricaDigital Governance and the Respatialization of the Indian Nation StateThe “Iron Curtain” between Static Spaces and Fluid Networks. In my graduate education, within the Erasmus Mundus MA programme “Global Studies – A European Perspective”, I shifted my focus towards international studies, new political geography, and global history, studying at Leipzig, Addis Ababa, and Roskilde. Review of Peacekeeping in Africa. The Evolving Security Architecture, edited by Marco Wyss and Thierry Tardy (2014). Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an. Together with the Graduate School, the IGK organizes research seminars, summer and winter schools, as well as thorough method training and progress reviews.The Central Project (Z Project), first and foremost, brings together all administrative activities carried out by the SFB’s projects, including, among others, a weekly colloquium, thematic working groups (each connected to a series of workshops), the annual conferences, a guest researcher programme, and participation in conferences. Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Catherine Dellinger. Special Agent William Cleveland, Jr. was brought in to listen to the tape and immediately recognized the woman's voice as Leung's. The Integrated Research Training Group (IGK) trains junior scholars in the SFB. Döring, Katharina. In addition to the analysts recommendations, Smith defended the suspicious activities of Leung and managed to convince his superiors that terminating her as an asset was not the best course of action. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Katharina Jahrling auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. In Geschichte.Transnational (29 June 2015). Helping to establish bridges across the projects and the disciplines involved, the thematic working groups will promote the creation of a common intellectual work on theory and concepts.During my undergraduate studies, I was drawn to Africa-related area studies and political science at the universities in Leipzig and Dar es Salaam. Currently, I explore the potential of a space-sensitive perspective for understanding the responses of the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) towards the Malian crisis in 2012.Chinese Engineers and their Spatial Imaginations: Architects of an Interconnected Nation, 1906–1937“Free Radicals”? Hey :) Ich bin Katharina und 18 Jahre alt.
Her connections within the community had become so extensive, she had entertained Chinese diplomatic officials as well as organized high-profile banquets for visiting PRC officials from the mainland.

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