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Yukine is a very powerful Shinki. While walking to school one day, Hiyori accidentally steps on a soda can and trips, but is caught and helped by Fujisaki. ***It was submitted by Gustaf, 27 years old. Although it is shown less in Noragami Aragato, there may be a possible chance his crush on Hiyori may be still there or least a small attraction for her. Profiles. However, she died at some point and this appears to have become his primary reason for loathing Gods. While Yato was away on his father's orders, Yukine used that time to be trained by Kazuma on Regalia skills. After Yato told him to light his way to becoming a God of Fortune, Yukine agreed and said that as his exemplary, he's there for him and would make sure that he would never kill anyone again. From Martin, North Dakota. YouTube The original form of the conjurer possessing Fujisaki is that of a man with short, black hair that is unkempt, who wears a black kimono. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This caused some strife between him and Yato at first, however, soon the resentment was only directed towards Nora and not Yato. When Suzuha died, Yukine was extremely depressed for a few days after that, nearly reverting back to his original personality. Currently, Yukine is providing her shelter in the home of Kofuku and Daikoku, without their knowledge. However, after meeting Nora, Yukine felt that he wasn't really special to Yato, so this caused him to do bad things, etc stealing things; stinging Yato several times. After the ablution and after Hiyori tells Yato to treat Yukine like a human being with feelings, their relationship strengthens, despite Yukine still finding Yato to be annoying. Job: (Washing-And-Screening Plant Supervisor). Even Kazuma had to practice for a long time before he was able to create a decent Boundary. **It was submitted by Harley Clondenning, 54 years old. He also shows no more interest towards Yato and attacked him without any lenience believing that he abandoned him even when Yato apologized to him for doing that and he was his only shinki. Yato becomes worried about the latter's intentions and suggests that he and Yukine move to his small plot of land in Yukine is Yato's regalia.

After this, Yukine started viewing her as a much closer and more important person to him. This lead Yukine to be disappointed. He even went as far as to tell Yato to stay away from Kazuma. In chapter 45, Nora is physically punished by Father for not completing a task. He was able to create a Boundary on his first try which Yato commented was unheard of.

Yukine is shown to worry about Hiyori's well being since she is very important to him and Yato. As a result of this and the fact that people cannot see him well, Yukine takes advantage of this and other people, stealing money, clothes, and even betraying Despite this, Yukine is still a bit sarcastic and occasionally yells at Yato when he is upset, especially after one of his few friends, Yukine also showes a great concern towards Yato as when he knew that the sorcerer is Yato's father and he is his lifeline, he told Yato not to kill him and told him not to meet Kazuma again and he is now their enemy as he got information about the sorcerer from Yukine by force. Yukine is seen to worry about her well-being and doesn't want her to do dangerous things since she is very important to Yato and him, and he is also seen to worry that she will forget about him and Yato one day. According to Hiyori, he usually attacks others indirectly, using their precious ones to cause damage. His real name is Kuro (黒). From Marshall, North Carolina. He can also be very petty, such as when he reveals to Yato that he kissed Hiyori for seemingly no reasons than to upset him, as he commonly goes out of his way to do. Ever since then she has started avoiding him, increasing Fujisaki's interest towards her. After becoming a Hafuri Vessel (Blessed Regalia), his new Shinki form is that of two twin katanas, shorter than the original, but with the same design.

His hair is colored gold both in the anime and manga colorations.

When Yato released Nora, Yukine felt very relieved. He sees Yukine as "his one and only" as well as his pride. This is shown when Hiyori remembers Yato and the others after a month again, she immediately hugs Yukine, in which he blushes and nosebleeds. Yato also said that they are quite alike, with both of them having their "father issues". Hiyori is Fujisaki's schoolmate. Father's hatred of gods leads him to treat them as playthings--uncaring about what they may feel. He is clearly upset and annoyed at the fact that he died, and became Yato's weapon, complaining about staying with someone like him. At first, it seemed like Hiyori is a possible love-interest for Yukine but later simmers down into a close friendship.

He has also said that he is willing to sacrifice his name for Yato anytime and he is also willing to get stronger, so he can protect Yato.

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