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Josie and Penelope were happily dating when Josie told Penelope that she loved her.

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Penelope and Josie have a lot of history, and we know the who and why of their breakup. In order to make sure it stuck, her mentor Alaric Saltzman (Matt Davis) burned every record related to her.

Josie seems into the idea, though Landon is nervous because it’s his first time.

— Josie and Penelope in Mombie Dearest.

As the day progresses, Penelope catches Josie making a deal with another With the time for the students to cast their votes, Penelope shows off her skills with After voting, Penelope finds Lizzie working out in their school gym, releasing her anger out on a punching bag. She now wears her hair in a bob-style.

Penelope disagrees and says that Josie is so much better than that, that she could win if she wanted to, and that she believed in Josie. And a blast from the past heals old wounds.

Penelope offers a third option.

Will learning about what Hope and Landon meant to each other cause her double down on her relationship with Landon or perhaps let him go?

He's still mad at her for the stunt she pulled the previous night, for taking a shot at Josie. Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Seven Deadly Sins: Imperial Wrath of the Gods' on Netflix, the Latest Cuckoo Saga of an OTT Anime Series

Penelope, however, offers another viewpoint.

Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. They share smiles, but Josie catches Lizzie's eye and "trips" down the stairs. She even tells Lizzie after she loses unexpectedly that she doesn't deserve a confidant like Josie.When the zombies rose from the dead at the school in She needs to put herself first.

reporters on a platform technologically tailored to meet the needs of the modern reader. Amy Adams, Adam McKay Reunite for Netflix Limited Series 'Kings of America' Josie walks away, unashamed of attacking her ex-girlfriend. It is highly likely that the show will probably find a way to keep the twins alive since they are the main cast on the show.

Penelope gave it to Josie so the latter could learn about the Merge, but it turns out that this journal is the gift that keeps giving. Dear ‘Legacies’: You Can Keep Your Josie/Landon Romance, Thanks! Penelope isn't dead, but her family is moving to Belgium. However, MG is smitten with Lizzie, which frustrates Penelope being she has a bad history with Lizzie and her twin sister. She's not a Siphoner like Jo, hence she has her own magic. He knows that she hates Lizzie and wonders why she cares so much.

with magic. Stream It Or Skip It: 'Disclosure' on Netflix, an Essential Documentary About Transgender Representation in TV and Film Only, as it turns out, he missed one little thing; though more on that in a second.While Hope was missing, her boyfriend Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) moved on over the summer, getting together with the similarly lonely Josie, still heartbroken over Penelope leaving. What Does Denise Richards Saying "Bravo Bravo Bravo" Mean? She does not want to watch and see what happens to Josie next. She likes Landon because he’s a nice guy, he’s cute, they have fun together. The next time that Penelope and Josie encounter one another, Josie pulls out a pen, which Penelope had cast a spying spell on and had given to everyone at the school for Christmas.

We are one of the world’s fastest growing Penelope says that she had been waiting weeks for Josie to give her one reason to stay, but instead she got a thousand reasons to leave. Lizzie confronts Penelope asking if she wanted to take its place. And apparently, I’m hallucinating boyfriends. She asks if Josie needs an escort.

She explains that the spell will wear off in about an hour, plenty of time to continue to practice the Waltz, and walks off without giving any more of an explanation. It is clear that their relationship will not take a turn for the better anytime soon.

She rolls her eyes stares at MG, who tells her he's ready for battle. Josie, however, calls her own audible and wants them to lose.

Will she still be hostile towards Hope or will she try and be friendly in an effort to be what they used to be? When we see it, it’s abandoned under a bed in Josie’s room.

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Penelope often teases Josie and Josie calls her "evil" behind her back every time she irks her.

They kiss occasionally, and it seems like the two still have feelings for the one another.

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