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The outer armour, which only remotely resembles the usual tengu-like armour with the trademark pillbox hat like adornment on the forehead, is split down the middle from the beak downwards where the normal Susanoo underneath is revealed. At its simplest level, users only manifest aspects of Susanoo's skeletal structure, such as a ribcage for basic defenceIn its next stage, armour forms around the humanoid for further protection, causing it to resemble a Users are able to mingle the chakra that makes Susanoo with chakra from other sources. Sasuke has since demonstrated several uses for his Susanoo's orb of black flames, including forming a blade in Susanoo's primary right hand, which can be used to stab his targets and set them ablaze.One of the first two amongst the Uchiha to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan, Madara awakened a Susanoo of his own after awakening the abilities in both of his eyes and is also able to use it while having his Unseen in others' versions, Madara's Susanoo possesses a complete body, including a lower half and legs, which are visible when it emerges from the ground,The right hand of each side wields an undulating blade and the Susanoo itself appears to be capable of contributing towards some of Madara's techniques, as it was seen forming hand seals when he The final form of Madara's Susanoo is an enormous construct with its mouth obscured and a body similar to its full body form. The skin on the right arm and right hand gained additional plating, which gives the appearance of the skin peeling off, and the armour itself became more ghastly in appearance. Like the other techniques granted by the Mangekyō Sharingan, the user's eyes and body are strained while using Susanoo because it consumes a large amount of their chakra. Obito provided means, but the Susanoo itself was manifested and used by Kakashi. By default, Susanoo is anchored to its user and they to it: in its less developed forms it will move around with the user; in its more completed forms the user will be suspended within Susanoo, being brought with it as it moves around.Although Susanoo is quite effective as a defence, it is able to distinguish in what it blocks. The yasaka magatama is the jewel you're looking for. Despite Susanoo's impressive defensive capabilities, the protection it grants its user is not absolute.

For example, the user can still perform Susanoo draws on the user's chakra in large amounts so long as it is active. No, the Yasaka Magatama is not it. It is only when Susanoo's growth is fully matured and thus, the user is completely surrounded, and the vulnerabilities of the skeletal form finally eliminated. Applying the raw strength of all nine Tailed Beasts to the visual prowess of his Rinnegan , Sasuke becomes one of, if not the, strongest shinobi of all time. Susanoo is formed through the materialisation of the user's chakra and as such differs i… Because of his Madara's Susanoo wields distinct, undulating blades that resemble Sasuke's armoured Susanoo (Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan version). S... Sasuke described it as feeling pain in every cell in his body which only grew from prolonged use. The mouth is also carved out, with two lines running down to the chin area, and it wears robes, pointed shoes and body armour on its shoulders and waist. Sasuke's Indra Susanoo, Source []. This was seen when Each Susanoo goes through several different forms, which the user can switch between at will or even leave in a state between forms.As users gain additional control, musculature and skin begins to appear atop of its bones, which progressively complete the full skeletal structure. Its back set of arms, which are still plated, extend upwards like wings and its front set of arms, which lose their plating, are somewhat smaller than the plated arms.

So I noticed that Kakashi is listed as the owner of the Susanno in this article. According to Tobi, for a Sharingan user to activate the Susanoo is a rarity. The user can be thrown out of the upper half of Susanoo by an enemy manipulating the substance underneath Susanoo. In this form, one swing of its katana is enough to destroy an entire mountain range.Sasuke's final Susanoo (Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan Version).Madara's incomplete Susanoo with its lower body visible.Madara's clones using complete Susanoo with lower bodies.Madara's final Susanoo (Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan Version).Madara's final Susanoo with its chakra stabilised (Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan Version).Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

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