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Along State Highway 200 and its extension, are: leichter Regen Almost halfway into the month, Hilo has tallied but 2.88 inches of rain for July as of 2 p.m. Tuesday. Now approximately 1,235...Douglas is churning toward the Hawaiian Islands as a Category 3 hurricane.
Raison pour laquelle notre prévision météo à 14 jours est le meilleur ami des voyageurs pour aller à Kailua-Kona (Big Island) en (Hawaii en États Unis). (BIVN) – In an 11 p.m. update, the Central Pacific Hurricane Center reported Hurricane Douglas – now 155 miles east northeast of Hilo – continues to exhibit maximum sustained winds of 90 mph with higher gusts. 11:00 In some areas, rainfall can be absolutely zero; not a drop falls all year long and the terrain reflects this- … Nachts ist es wolkenlos und die Temperatur fällt auf 18°C. Hilo sometimes gets bad press for being on the ‘wet’ side of the island. État de Hawaï. Météo; Cartes; Satellites; Radar; Modèles; Actualités; Monde; Vigilance; 2 °C. A hurricane watch means that hurricane conditions are possible within 36 to 48 hours. Wetter Palma de Mallorca Wetter Paukaa Für Ihren Urlaub in Hilo (Hawaii USA) wünschen wir Ihnen natürlich trotzdem nur die schönsten Wetterbedingungen.
No other island has the same diversity as the Big Island; not even by a long shot! Hilo, Big Island Weather in April - Temperature, Rainfall & Sunshine. Hi/Low, RealFeel, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend! 17:00 - 20:00 (BIVN) – Hurricane Douglas is 325 miles east of Hilo, and moving west northwest at 18 mph.
Paris 26° 11° Montpellier 30° 18° Besançon 23° 11° Toulouse 28° 16° Accueil. Today: Mostly sunny, with a high near 83.
Darüber hinaus gibt es von mittags bis zum Abend hin lockere Bewölkung und die Temperaturen liegen zwischen 19 und 24 Grad. Wetter Keaukaha Swells generated by Douglas are expected to begin affecting portions of the Hawaiian Islands on Saturday.HAWAIʻI - Douglas is expected to move near or over portions of the Hawaiian Islands this weekend, bringing with it an increasing chance of strong winds, dangerous surf, and heavy rainfall.
The Big Island, composed of 5 shield volcanoes, has the most diverse climate in Hawaii, containing 10 of worlds the 15 climate zones. Nous utilisons des cookies sur ce site pour améliorer votre expérience, comme expliqué dans notre Politique en matière de cookies. Die Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit und die Niederschlagsmenge dagegen beziehen sich immer auf die gesamte Stunde. The Hilo is served by the Big Island's largest harbor, Hilo Harbor, on Hilo is home to a number of educational institutions, including two post-secondary institutions, the Hilo is home to county, state, and federal offices. Viel Spaß auf Reisen … Hurricane Douglas is expected to hit Hilo this weekend.
Douglas is still expected to undergo some slow weakening during the next 48 hours, but the storm is forecast to remain near hurricane intensity as it passes the islands. Der Seuchenexperte der US-Regierung, Anthony Fauci, ist optimistisch.
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